Just in case you didn't get it here, here, here, here, or here... I clearly have a problem love a good dessert buffet. It all started with the candy buffet & frozen novelties in lieu of cake at our wedding. And this was years ago before they were popular, I thought my mother was going to have a heart attack when she heard that, she even told Dave the morning of our wedding that we would be going home with all this damn candy, but she saw her folly when everyone was talking about it for ages afterward. Sorry for my digression, back to the Halloween Candy Buffet!
Everything on this buffet was super super easy. Don't believe me? Everything was store bought & tweaked just a bit to make it a little different. The skull sucker holder held caramel apple suckers, my fave fall treat. Amanda made the amazing chocolate covered strawberries, they're her specialty and to die for. She is probably sick of making them because I always assign them to her when she asks if she can bring anything. The orange cutout cookies were bought & brought by my aunt. The graveyard pudding cups were made by taking the lid off a pudding cup, adding some dirt {crushed oreos}, and a Milano cookie tombstone with RIP piped on it. The mini pumpkin spice cupcakes I bought at Kroger and dipped into purple sanding sugar. The spooky eyeball two bite brownies were purchased at Kroger. Add a few buckets of candy bracelets with skulls on them and gobs of candy and you've got yourself a super EASY Halloween Dessert Buffet!

um, this is my dream come true. I would like a 2nd and 3rd wedding to be like this.
I can't believe I wasn't invited....
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