Aside from the trip & the guest posts, here is a list {in no particular order} of things I am looking forward to this month:
- The release of The Blind Side. I can't even remember the last movie I saw in the theater, but this one, I am going to see. I didn't know the story of Mike Oher until the previews for this movie started when I googled him and you guys, this is one of those stories that make me believe that the right things, the right places, the right people enter your life and make all the difference.
- Thanksgiving, of course. The food, the family, the insanity. I'm working on the table ideas already & can't wait to post them for you soon!
- Black Friday. If you're new here, you'll soon learn that I'm one of those crazy people that do Black Friday up yearly... and drag my husband along for the fun.
- The greatest football rivalry evah... GO BUCKS.
- Celebrating the 2nd birthday of the most amazing little girl ever.
- Helping Emily with her new house, if she ever gives me any ideas whatsoever to go on and a plan of what to tackle first. Ha!
- I get my new sewing machine on Thursday. Wow, I am going to be messing up all kinds of cute fabrics soon. Any cute {beginner} ideas you can recommend for me?
- Secret Santa Soiree I can't wait to see who has me & I am furiously trying to think of goodies for mine! I've already added her to my blog reader to keep up with her life & try to think of something fabulous to fill her mailbox with.
- Best of all... My 400th post is fast approaching! How should I celebrate?

Hi Michelle, I am new to your blog and just wanted to say I love it already! I'm looking forward to your NaBloPoMo - what can I say, it's my favorite time of year. :) Also, we have a mutual friend - Lisa Anderson - and I'm anxiously awaiting her guest post. Enjoyed what you did with Halloween - looking forward to what you do with Thanksgiving!
- Cheryl
I can't believe you are doing NaBloPoMo! That is awesome and crazy all at the same time. I swear I will respond to every single post. On my life as your Bloggy BFF.
Wait...haha I just reread this.
P.S. I'm drunk. Again.
Noooo, I'm NOT doing NaBloPoMo!! I'm just watching everyone else do it!
The Blind Side should be very good. I know you looked it up, but it is a true story from right here in Memphis. Its amazing that the wife just had that instinct to help the kid out, there are lots of kids here in that position. If they would not have helped him out, he likely would've ended up in a life of crime, like most in Memphis. Its a fantastic story.
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