Oh hai! First, a quick introduction (and shameless self-promotion). The name's Stephanie. I hold the title of 'Crazy Dog Lady' amongst my circle of friends. And I, too, have a blog (though not as spiffy as Michelle's): siriusbstudio.wordpress.com. Come over and visit sometime.
Phew, now that that is out of the way we can get to some serious blogging. I am going to be honest. I had a difficult time coming up with a topic for today's entry, what with all the pressure Ms. Michelle put on my guest blogging shoulders. Do I share a recipe? What about a simple craft? Do I get all philosophical with my post? Oh, the possibilities!
Ultimately, I decided on a list-centric post. But I can't do it without YOUR help. Here's today's question:
What is the absolute craziest -> scariest -> toughest -> daring -> heart-pounding thing you have ever done?
Me first? Okay.
Packing up this...

And moving here...

Despite the (many) voices of reason that said otherwise, I quit my job, packed up my car and headed west to The Windy City. The job of my dreams was offered to me completely out of the blue. For six months, my husband and I lived apart. It hasn't been an easy transition (there is a whole slue of circumstances that I'll save for another post - thank you economy!) but regardless of all that, the husband and I still believe we made the right decision.
Now it's your turn. Fill up the comments section for Michelle and let her know just how freakin' amazing and diverse her audience is. We'll provide her with plenty of reading material to digest for when she returns from her vacation in California!

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