Hi. I love when you leave comments here at So Wonderful, So Marvelous.
It makes me happy. I like you. I like responding to you. I want to talk to you more.
Sometimes though, you are a Leslee. What is a Leslee, you ask?
This is her. Cute, right? And I totally want her to teach me how to rock the fair skin and red lip combo because she clearly has that down. Know what she doesn’t have down? Letting me respond to her comments.

She leaves awesome comments for me and I can never answer her. I thought maybe she was just antisocial, but I tracked her down and she’s not. In fact, she’s funny and likes me and is quite chatty. She has a problem that needs to be fixed though… She is a noreply-comment@blogger girl. Dun dun dunnnnn.
Maybe it’s the same for you? If you have never received an email response from me, you might want to check. Heck, you might want to check even if you have never left a comment here. You never know when you might want to do that. << HINT HINT >> {In my head, it was hint hint muthafucka, but I am trying to curb my swearing, but I totally thought it anyway.}
Where were we?
Oh, yes. Lucky for you, I am going to show you how to fix that pesky noreply-comment@blogger problem, it takes all of thirty seconds.
And then you can get emails from me.
Who doesn’t want that?
We’re going to start at the Blogger homepage. I even linked it for you just to make it super easy.

TADAAAAA! It’s now fixed. And you can stop being anti-social.
Leave a comment if you were a former NoReply-Comment@Blogger offender.
I promise I won’t publically call you out. Probably. Maybe.
We can still point and laugh at Leslee, right?