It’s hard to believe that summer is over and it’s back to school time!
Shiny new supplies are labeled and tucked into backpacks. There are visions of straight A’s dancing in parents’ heads. Students are groaning at the thought of homework. Kindergarten parents are tentatively testing the waters of letting their baby grow up. Teachers are ready to fill students’ minds with math and science and reading.
When Finn started fourth grade last week, mornings were a rough start. Not for him but, for me. Waking up early with a smile isn’t my forte. Thankfully, Seattle’s Best remedied that by sending me a box filled with their Parent’s-Only Back-to-School Survival Kit. They even smartly included the Tile app so I’m not tossing couch cushions in search of my keys every morning. The best part? It’s filled with enough caffeine to make me look like a morning-person and that, isn’t an easy feat. I’ll be on my way from Snoozer to Maestro in no time!
Now you can pretend to be a morning person too! Seattle’s Best is going to hook one of you up with your own Parent’s-Only Back-to-School Survival Kit, a $115 value.
- A signature red Seattle’s Best Coffee mug.
- A to-go tumbler.
- A Moleskine notebook.
- The Tile app to keep track of your car keys.
- A magnetic dry erase weekly planner for the fridge.
- THREE varieties of Seattle’s Best Coffee.
- All tucked into a backpack.
Simply click on the Rafflecopter box below and tell me which type of back to school parent you are from the video above!
Need some help deciding? Buzzfeed created a quiz to help you.