Dinner was a hit. I don't have any pictures because we were running around visiting with our guests and in general having a grand ole time.
Finnegan's friend Max at the zoo!
Dave mailed off some cds for a friend of mine this morning... you should have them tomorrow! I hope they help you as much as they helped me!
Today, I took Finnegan to the zoo for his Strolling With Strollers program. When I walked in to meet my friend Valerie, I ran into a very old friend of mine from high school! Amy and I went to Paris together and it was so much fun connecting and catching up on the last 10 years! Her son Oliver is just a month older than Finn. So, thank you to the universe for bringing me this fabulous gift.
Then, we went to lunch with my mom, Dave, and Annie. I had some business cards printed up for Annie's fiber art and gave her those as a little incentive to keep it up. She is so amazingly talented! My mom bought lunch, so another gift came my way.
And then I mailed off a bunch of photos to my great aunt Margaret. She is my grandma's older sister and at the ripe old age of 90, she LOVES to get pictures and updates about Finnegan.
Then, I got a House Party! I am totally geeked about this. They send you a huge box of stuff. This one is for Arm & Hammer's new Essentials line. The idea is that they have one bottle you re-use over and over and add water and a small little cartridge of plant based concentrate rather than wasting all of that plastic over and over again. I'm excited to try it and for my friends to get lots of freebies and try it too! I have also asked them to bring a canned good with them to pass on to the local food bank to keep the giving going!
So that has been Day 4 and it's only midday! This challenge is making me smile a lot so far.
I just got the mail and my awesome friend Emily sent me something! First, I am obsessed with meal planning because I am a great big freak... so that is the explaination for the gift. It has spots for each day's meal and a shopping list. You are so sweet Em! Especially since you have so many other things going on in your life right now. Thank you!
I know what you are thinking.
And trust me, as someone who readily admits to having attended concerts by Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson and Hanson, I don’t care. It was an AMAZING show. My hearing will never be the same; my vocal cords are still strained; and I still can’t believe I spent $8 for a beer. It was all worth it though, especially when Jordan ripped his shirt off to serenade me with “Baby I Believe in You”.
Sister: AMY! He has his shirt off!! Why aren't you taking pictures??
Amy: ::drool:: er... OHH!! OK!!!
I am also happy to report, that while the “Kids” are rapidly approaching 40 (except Joey, who is 36 – totally within an acceptable age range) they are still hot, and can still sing. Their new songs are catchy, and they played all the classics (albeit, in some cases, at a lower octave). Their comeback felt like old friends coming together, not a bunch of washed up old men who need to do one last tour to pay for their blood pressure medication (which was how it felt when I saw Vanilla Ice perform a free show at the Great Inland Seafood Festival in Newport, KY in 2005. I wish I were kidding.)
Joey even broke out the original smiley face jacket.
Hangin' Tough - no knee replacements here!
The concert was everything I hoped it would be, and it was the best feeling to forget about being an adult and all the fun grown-up problems of the world for a few hours. Plus, admit it. You were a fan too!
Economy-schmonomy... we're going to see New Kids on the Block!
As if that weren't enough awesomeness for tonight... the Finnster is spending his second night ever away from us and staying at his J-ma's house. He's keeping her company since Papa is out of town tonight. We are pathetic in hoping that we can just sleep in till 9 tomorrow morning. We should be out partying it up, but we're old. Old, I tell ya!
So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.sowonderfulsomarvelous.com.