I think you are pretty much the most amazing man on the planet.
Happy Happy Birthday, Love.
PS. I totally didn’t get you a present.

I think you are pretty much the most amazing man on the planet.
Happy Happy Birthday, Love.
PS. I totally didn’t get you a present.
Remember folding notes when you were twelve? All of my girlfriends are going to be getting folded note snail mail.
When will we forget? How much of this list do you remember?
Dave and I laughed through this entire video entitled, Mr Wizard is a D*ck. Ahhhh Mr Wizard, good times.
Which led to Angry Scottish People Saying Real Words Maybe.
Finally, this is how I feel about you guys.
This weekend we decided to have friends over for an outdoor movie night. We’ve done Ferris Bueller and Old School before… it’s safe to say those were for the grown ups.
This one was all about the kids. We had EIGHT boys here. And Tate. We picked the ultimate boy movie in The Sandlot. It was entertaining enough for the adults, but still kid friendly.
Here is part of the motley crew. Look out for that scrappy little one with the wild curls. They wanted me to hurry up with a picture so they could get back to the candy. And popcorn. And movie nachos. You know, the ones with the totally fake cheese sauce? We are obviously all about the health food.
We used a string of Christmas lights on the table, it was the perfect amount of light so that people could see, but it wasn’t so bright that it was distracting.
I wanted to do not only movie theater treats, but a few that fit with the theme of the movie too. We bought Coke in bottles and it was so funny explaining to the boys that they had to use the bottle opener.
For the screen, we just put up a sheet on the privacy fence. {Actually, we put up two sheets back to back to make it a little more solid white to project onto.} No need for anything fancy, you can do this in your backyard! Dave has an old amp that we used for speakers and we just hooked the projector up to the laptop.
It was such a fun night. The weather was so hot during the day that we were a little worried it would be uncomfortable, but once the sun went down it was perfect. The boys played baseball in the yard before and after the movie. Finn has an arm full of mosquito bites to show for it, but he says they’re worth it.
His favorite part? When the other baseball players showed up and Ham got into an insult war.
You play ball like a GIRL!
Five year old boy humor.
It was a great way to end the summer. We’re already plotting our next one. What are your favorite family friendly movies?
Finn and I had a discussion, and I use the word discussion loosely, about red and yellow watermelon. It went something like this…
Finn: Mooooooooom, I don’t like the yellow watermelon.
Me: Finn, the yellow watermelon tastes the same as the red watermelon.
Finn: No it doesn’t, it’s yellow. I am NOT eating the yellow watermelon.
Me: Finn, you’re eating all of the watermelon. Even the yellow ones.
Finn: But, I haaaaate it!
FYI, for those of you following along, I totally tasted both of them and you guessed it… they taste the same. There was STILL no convincing him. So, I grabbed a dishtowel and blindfolded him. In the first piece went…
Finn: RED! No, yellow. YELLOW.
Me: OK… Next piece.
Finn: Yellow!
Me: Next piece…
Finn: Red!
Me: Next piece…
Finn: Yellow!
Me: Last one…
Finn: Red!
Dave and I sat there dumbfounded. Every. Single. One. Right. We took off the blindfold.
Me: Does this kid have a crazy palette or something? HOW did he know? There is no way. I can’t even say anything about the damn yellow watermelon now!
Dave: Finn, you got every one right.
Finn: I know!
Me: Did you cheat?
Finn: No!
Me: You were blindfolded. How did you know?
Finn: I saw a little of the colors and then told you the answer.
He had no idea that peeking was cheating or that he wasn’t supposed to look for the colors.
But he ate all of the watermelon.
I call this a parenting win.
I only eat bananas in smoothies or on ice cream. They have to be *just* ripe though, no mushy sweet super ripe bananas for this girl. Dave bought a bunch because he, Finn and Tate all love them. Tate is borderline obsessed, if you put some sliced up banana on a plate, that’s what she’s going to go for before anything else.
A few of the bunch got away from us and turned overripe. I decided to make some banana bread with them, but then changed my mind when I saw this recipe on Pinterest for pumpkin cream cheese muffins from Annie’s Eats. I figured that if Annie could do it with pumpkin, I could do something similar with banana, I just wanted to kick it up a notch. I thought about adding peanut butter and making something that Elvis would love, but then I remembered eating banana and marshmallow fluff together as a kid and had my answer. I {very} loosely used my Meme’s banana bread recipe. Next time, I would amp up the cream cheese with a bit of vanilla {which I did in the recipe below}, other than that, they were awesome. And that is from someone who isn’t a banana fan. If you are so inclined, you could also add some chopped walnuts into the batter.
What You’ll Need:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease or use muffin cups in two muffin tins. {Makes 20-24.}
Combine 1 brick of cream cheese, softened, one tablespoon of vanilla, and 1 small jar of marshmallow cream. Set aside.
Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder. In a separate bowl, cream sugars and butter. Add in eggs, tablespoon vanilla, and banana.
Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, stir until everything is just moistened.
Fill muffin cups slightly under half full with batter. Add a heaping teaspoon of marshmallow cream cheese. then add a little more batter on top. Bake 20-23 minutes, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
She was mad about taking a nap. Even though I knew she needed one.
Ten minutes later, I walked into her room to check on her and found her like this. Sitting on her pillow. In the corner. One arm pulled out of the sleeve of her shirt. Belly hanging out.
Fast asleep.
*His name is Jeffery and my name is Zakary. When we sent marriage announcements, some of his extended family thought I was a man (I'm not).
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
ZDub. True story… once Dave and I were at a party and from across the room I hear Dave’s friend talking about Raising Colorado. Why? Because Zakary {yes, she’s got a man’s name, but so does Tate} is hilarious, she also has the awesomest hair on the planet. Go read this, this, this, and very much especially this. Or say fuck it and just trust that you need to add her to your reader. Your days will be brighter.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We have been a couple for almost ten years. I think we liked each other equally, Jeff would come into the bar where I worked by himself almost every night I worked. My coworker actually is the one that gave Jeff my phone number. Luckily he wasn't a total weirdo.
What has being married taught you?
Being married has taught us about compromise. I know I'm not very good at it, but I think I'm getting better.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
I think every thing we do together is fun, we are funaholics.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
To be honest, most of our issues are pretty stupid and by the time we go to bed, we forget what they were. Fighting sucks, we try not to do that.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Man, I don't think it's a big secret. Find the one person that brings out the best in you and can tolerate you and enjoy the ride. Life is so much better with love.
*AKA: Bret + Becki
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Becki and I met two and a half years ago when I ordered a custom headband for my random acts of kindness birthday. Not only was she great to work with, when she found out what I was doing, she insisted on sending another for the giveaway that I was doing for you guys. Since then, Whippy Cake has skyrocketed and Becki is masterfully balancing being a great wife, Mama to three beautiful children, the Whippy Cake Blog and running an extremely successful business. Her blog and has tons of tutorials about make up, hair, fashion, and of course, accessories!
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We've known each other for 7 years. We got married on our anniversary from the date he asked me to be his girlfriend. I think it's safe to say I like him first?
What has being married taught you?
Marriage is the hardest thing you do in life because it takes work and attention every day. If you start to put other things ahead of your partner the relation will suffer, no matter what you tell yourself.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
We aren't very fun people but one of my favorite memories was hiking this huge waterfall in Jamaica and holding all the wild animals, birds and snakes.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We don't resolve issues. We just get to a point where we agree to disagree. We are both so strong willed and stubborn that the only way to avoid getting really angry is to give each other space or bring humor into the conversation. I LOVE to laugh! We've both had turns going to bed angry... did I mention we are stubborn?
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
If BOTH partners can learn to love the other MORE than themself and more than anything else including things, habits and hobbies then you will find the sweet spot where love can truly be felt in.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
MJ is the brilliant writer behind the blog Seattle Moxie where she documents life and the remodel of their new home, Banister Abbey. You can’t imagine the amount of work and how insanely cool this house is going to be. She and her husband Al and their two children just moved back stateside after a three year stint in Paris. You can read about their Parisian adventures at her old, neglected, unloved {but still hilarious} blog American Mom in Paris. Funnily enough, I read her Paris blog for months, MONTHS, before realizing that we went to high school together and had gone to France together. She also sings a mean Copacabana.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We've been a couple over fourteen years. The question of who liked who first is answered differently depending who you ask. I (Mindy) say Alex liked me first because he gave me seductive eyes across a crowded room. He says I liked him first because I couldn't resist something called his "hot bod."
What has being married taught you?
Being married has made us realize we are both firey, unreasonable, annoying people. Humbling. Thankfully, we've also learned acceptance and patience to the point of sainthood. I was never a patient person, but after fourteen years of Alex singing song lyrics loudly and incorrectly while driving 25mph on the freeway, I've become better at it.
Alex says marriage has taught him "give and take" but who the hell knows what he means by that.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
The most fun we've had together is during our travels. We've had some crazy trips. The episode at the forefront of our memories is drinking grappa with some locals in Croatia, then being confronted with their full frontal nudity on a boat, then stumbling home because we were afraid they were going to rob us. Nothing says "fun" to us like running home drunk and falling into some bushes.
The least fun we've had is working on our fixer house together. That's when we've come closest to homicide.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We resolve issues with calm, rational communication but only after the sh*t has hit the fan and there's been a lot of yelling. Or, if we're too tired, we don't resolve the issue at all, instead waiting for the issue to resurface at a later date when we will perhaps have more energy to deal with it.
And yes, we go to bed angry. If we stay awake to resolve the problem, the fatigue, plus the pressure from generations of people telling us we can't go to bed angry, tends to make us more angry and less willing to be reasonable. We become confused and incoherent to the point of fighting about something unrelated, such as ugly socks or musical preference.
So go to bed angry, it's OK. Agree to reconvene the next day. Everything seems less severe in the morning.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Alex says the secret to a happy marriage is choosing well to start with. Also, sharing your dreams, no matter how stupid (that's not nice, Alex) and growing in the same direction.
I say the secret to a happy marriage is acceptance. Al can't change me, I can't change Al. Marriage is loving what you love about the person and largely ignoring what you hate. Drink wine. Laugh. Laugh as much as you can, especially at your kids, because that really bonds you.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Holly blogs at Artist, Mother, Teacher and Curvy Girl Guide. She is married to Josh, a musician and they have two beyond gorgeous boys. {Seriously Holly, your boys have the bluest, prettiest eyes ever.} Holly is creative and funny, but her posts on motherhood are what keep me coming back time and again. I love when you can just feel how much someone loves their kids through their writing and with Holly, it comes through loud and clear.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
12 years. Josh and I had been friends for several years before we started dating. I definitely made the "first move" to change the status of our relationship to something more than friends.
What has being married taught you?
Patience. Compromise. Acceptance. Fierce comradeship for the ones you love.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
All inclusive honeymoon vacation to Jamaica.
How do you resolve issues?
Carefully. We try to respect the fact that we won't always share the same opinion but that doesn't devalue either.
Do you ever go to bed angry?
Yes. But we don't usually wake up angry.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Respect. Friendship. Work—because it isn't always easy regardless of how hard you love each other.
Dave and I haven’t been to Cedar Point since I got pregnant with Finnegan, so it's been six years. I think it is the longest stretch of time in my life I haven’t been there at least once in a summer.
Every time we saw a commercial, Finn would beg us to go and believe me, here in Ohio, you see a lot of those commercials. We kept telling him we would go when he was older, that it was for bigger kids.
With favorites like Top Thrill Dragster, maXair, and Millennium Force, everyone knows Cedar Point is the best park in the world for coasters and big thrill rides. What I didn’t realize is that it is an incredible park for little kids, too.
My cousin and his family joined us for the day, and it couldn’t have been better!
The first thing we did when we arrived was to fill out the Kid Track wrist bands in the guest services building just before entering the park. Cedar Point has a great safety program available. If for some reason you get separated from your child, they only need to find anyone in uniform who will call your cell phone immediately and tell you where your child is waiting.
We brought our stroller for Tate, and my cousin brought a wagon for the boys. Cedar Point does have single and double strollers for rent for a modest fee, both versions of the strollers looked roomy and had plenty of storage. They don’t recline, so if you have little ones who still need a good nap I would bring your own.
There are four areas just for kids, and that isn’t counting all of the family rides Cedar Point has as well.
They also have a rating system to make it easy for you…from low thrill rides that Tate loved like the Kiddy Kingdom Carousel, that are marked with a one, to aggressive thrills like Maverick and Top Thrill Dragster that are marked with a five. Each ride has a sign posted to let you know in advance what kind of thrill to expect.
Our favorite area was Planet Snoopy, with Camp Snoopy a very close second. What I loved most about all of the kiddie areas is that even on a sunny 90 degree day, there was plenty of shade. From the trees in the Jr. Gemini area, to the huge umbrellas over most of the rides, to covered seating areas, there was always a place to get the little ones out of the sun. I thought it was great attention to detail I never noticed at Cedar Point before I was a mom.
Myles and Colin are huge dinosaur fans so we had to check out the brand new Dinosaurs Alive attraction. The boys loved spotting all of their favorites, and there were quite a few jumps as the motion activated dinosaurs would spring to life and roar.
There are so many things to love about Cedar Point, from the rides to their famous fries to the friendly staff, but the best thing was the family time. No TV, no computer, no video games, just lots and lots of fun. There were huge grins on everyone’s face all day and already requests to go back.
The quiet car ride home was a nice touch, too.
What is your favorite thing about Cedar Point?
So, I want to thank you if you’ve made it through the whole bloggers on marriage series. I know it’s such a departure from usual posting, so thanks for indulging all of mushy love junk while Dave and I celebrated our anniversary this week. It has been so much fun reading all of the different perspectives on marriage and love and just how to make it work.
We still have a few more for you tomorrow too!
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
Michelle: We’ve been together for ten years. Typing that out seems weird. Ten years is a long time, but it feels like a blink.
Dave: I liked you first. I’m not even sure if you like me now?
Michelle: Exactly.
What has being married taught you?
Dave: Being married has taught us to get over shit.
Michelle: We really don’t dwell on the past. Mostly.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Dave: This is a family website, we can’t really talk about the MOST fun thing we’ve done. So… the second most fun thing we’ve ever done is our honeymoon.
Michelle: I can’t believe you want me to say that. We went to Ireland and Paris and it was a riot. Literally. There was a riot in Paris, I was sick in Dublin, and we still managed to have an incredible time.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
Our issue resolving involves a lot of yelling, but then we’re over it. Dave totally goes to bed angry because he can fall asleep in a matter of seconds regardless of circumstance. I usually stew… on the couch and then get more mad because he is all peacefully asleep in our bed and I’m on the couch stewing. He would like it noted that he knows I’m really mad when I storm off to the couch.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Michelle: Picking the right person in the first place. That is the secret, don’t settle for someone mediocre.
Dave: And sex. Great sex.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Holly is the mastermind behind the blog 504 Main. She is the published author of what… seven books now Holly? Eight? Want to hate her even more? She is a DIY goddess, she can create anything with a hot glue gun and twenty minutes. I still remember the first post I ever read of hers… it was this spring tablescape, and I’ve been reading ever since. She is a ball of creativity and awesomeness.
{Holly’s Husband is anonymous on her blog, thus the angle of the pic.}
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
Me: About 17 years together. We dated for just about 1.5 years before getting married. He totally liked me first. He actually will admit that! I "may have been dating someone" and was clueless and not looking, not interested, and completely difficult. I was "this close" to losing him!
Him: Long enough. I met her. I wanted to call her. We went out a few times. She was a pain...she was on her last call/date. Then she wised up.
What has being married taught you?
Me: How to not be selfish (I still am, but you should have met me before!). Have patience (always working on that one). Iam amazed daily that someloves me for all the craziness I create!
Him: Compromise. Patience. Hide your money (just kidding).
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Me: We are not crazy adventurous risky taking type of people...I vote for our first trip to Hawaii. We'd been dating about one year, and I had never been there...so it was wonderful and relaxing and fun.
Him: Touring Europe, but Holly was really over seeing churches.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
Me: We talk we it out. We rarely fight...don't get me wrong, we get mad, but no yelling and screaming, no walking out the door (maybe once). Usually one or both of us walk away to another room, if we are too angry or need to think more, and then come back and have a discussion about whatever it is. I have never gone to bed "spitting angry"...sometimes annoyed, but everything seems better in the am - I usually have a clearer head.
Him: Compromise. Talk. More compromise.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Me: Marry the person you know...don't expect to change anyone. My husband are I are very different. A mutual friend tried to fix him up with "everyone" else and never me because she thought we would be pretty awful together. He accepts me and I accept him. Ultimately it works because we have the same values and want similar things out of life. We talked about this before we got married, heck before we got engaged. I support him and he me. Also, we are totally honest with each other (except for maybe a time or too me claiming something that was new was only 2.00 from the Goodwill...but he is on to me.)
Him: Compromise
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Jessica is a twenty-something actress, event planner, law school spouse, Disney LOVAH, and she does crazy shit like clean out her closets for no good reason, which is why we are friends. She entertains daily at Acting Adult not to be confused with Adult Acting, she is not THAT kind of girl. Pop over and pay her a visit!
How many years have you been a couple? Who liked whom first?
We've been together for over 7 years.
He said: She did.
She said: He asked me on a date, so obviously he had feelings for me first.
He said: Her answer is bogus.
What has being married taught you?
He said: Is everything I knew before a valid answer?
She said: Wow. You haven't even learned something?
He said: I don't know, what have you learned?
She said: He defers to me a lot in the little things. I like making decisions and he doesn't really care about a lot of those things. It seems to be working out.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
We've done a lot of fun things together, but we're hoping the most funnest thing is yet to come.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
It's a good thing Husband doesn't stay angry for very long. Jessica on the other hand, has been known to go to bed angry. Never thought we would be like that, but there it is. How do we resolve issues? We talk. We yell. We walk away. We talk some more. And then we cuddle. We like the cuddling.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
She said: Two bathrooms. Hands down.
He said: Have patience with the other person - they're not as cool as you are but they're getting there.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Sara has me drooling with envy at every gorgeous space she and Shaun have renovated in their first house. She chronicles every bit of it at her blog Russet Street Reno. I mean really, what girl wouldn’t love her own dressing ROOM? Get yourself over there to drool over the den and the master… even the coat closets get the Sara touch! I want to live closer so I can have her over to pick colors and build insane bookcases and reno everything in our house too.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We've been a couple for 7 years, we met at a bar and both liked each other immediately!
What has being married taught you?
To not sweat the small stuff and have fun as much as possible.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Our honeymoon in Jamaica is holding steady as the most fun we've had together - not counting all the daily fun we have with our 2-month-old son Ashford!
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We resolve arguments by cooling off until we can talk about it rationally. This means that sometimes we do go to bed angry or go visit friends/family separately to give us time to think about the other's point of view.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
I think it's to marry your best friend, but I'd like you to tell me since you've been married much longer than me :)
*OK, they aren’t technically at 20 until October, but we’re counting it as 20!
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
I can’t remember if I found Ally from Just a Normal Mom or if Ally found me first, but I’ve been reading her for years. {Her bestie also used to blog with her.} I love reading bloggers who have teenagers because it is such a different perspective than the thousands of mommy bloggers who have little ones at home. {She is also very careful to respect his privacy and is still able to share great stories.}
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
A: He liked me first, but I wasn’t interested in dating him. He kept up the flirting for about 9 months and I finally gave in and let him cook me dinner. That was it, I never looked back! He proposed on the one year anniversary of when we started dating and we were married 10 months later.
D: “22 years. I liked you first. I was in love with you the moment I saw you.”
A: Aw, how cute is he?
What has being married taught you?
A: I can still be me, and yet be “us”. Together, we are better than apart.
D: “How wonderful life is when you’re in my world”
A: Seriously, that was his answer. Gotta love this guy.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
A: Spending three days alone in Hana, Maui - the first time just the two of us had been to Hawaii alone since our son was born. Pure relaxation in paradise.
D: “Hawaiian vacations.”
A: See, we think alike! For the record, we met in while both living separately in Hawaii, so going back is pretty special for us.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
A: “We don’t really argue or fight. Sure, we have ‘debates’, but nothing too crazy. Oh, I’m still a girl, I still PMS, so there are times, but we talk nearly everything through. There’s no way I could go to bed angry. My brain would never shut down and allow me to sleep.”
D: “We never have issues and we never go to bed angry. Rarely.”
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
A: Knowing how to compromise. Knowing how to bring out and appreciate the best in each other. Knowing how let each other’s good sides shine. Talking, talking, talking. And of course, knowing when to shut up!
D: “Compatability.”
A: Yeah, that’s what I said! :)A big thank you to Michelle for having us here - Happy Anniversary to you and Dave!
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my most favorite bloggers in the world and their husbands to share some words on marriage. Enjoy!
I met Megan from Crazy Bananas through an Alt class. She and her husband Trent live in Kansas City with their two kids. Weirdly, she and my sister in law have the exact same name AND she has a son named Tate! She blogs about life and style and family and fashion. She is artsy and funny and I’m totally smitten with her blog.
How many years have you been a couple and who liked who first?
We've been together 10 years, since sophomore year in college, but we've known each other since grade school. We're from the same hometown, and a few years into dating we found a journal of mine from 6th grade that detailed an encounter during a skating rink trip where I met a cute boy named Trent. After some random questioning, we realized that it was my Trent! Craziness. We also technically may have run into each other in preschool, as we both have confirmed being at several swim parties at the same time, but we don't remember each other. We "really" met in high school, where we both liked each other, but were dating other people so it didn't work out. Instead we teased each other during our marine biology class and mercilessly flirted while pretending we couldn't stand each other. A few years later we ran into each other at a college party and the stars finally aligned.
What has being married taught you?
He Said - Being married has taught me to be more patient and about the importance of companionship. We're both sort of geeky loners, but it's nice having someone who is always there for you, regardless.
She Said - Being married has taught me to be more understanding and more kind. I can be sort of judgmental and Trent has taught me to try and look at all sides of the story before I freak out. He's also taught me the importance of a clean home, checked luggage and getting into a bit of trouble. I am a total rule follower, and being married to him has taught me to take some risks now and then. Oh, and learn how to make a mean egg breakfast sandwich. It's the way to a man's heart.
What is the most fun thing you've ever done together?
Wow, there are too many to count! We've been together through some major life changes (college, graduation, responsible adults, marriage, kids) and the fun is all relative to where we are in our lives. The most recent fun thing we did was go to New York City for four days. It was our first trip with just the two of us since our daughter was born six years ago, and I had forgotten how fun we are together when we're not coordinating work schedules and nap schedules and after school activities. We slept in, went to museums, attended a broadway show, ate tons of good food and just basically enjoyed each other. It was wonderful! But really, we have the most fun when we're in our sweats, goofing off at home with the kids. We're homebodies and we're pretty okay with that!
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We actually do go to bed angry, which I know isn't what all the "experts" tell couples to do. I, in particular, need space when I'm angry and Trent is a very convincing debater, so when we're in a heated argument, I usually need to leave the room and gather myself before he convinces me my argument is totally invalid. Sometimes that means going to bed angry. But we have much better discussions when we've both had a chance to cool down and think rationally, instead of saying things in the moment that we'll regret later. I should preface that statement with the fact that it took us a LONG TIME to figure that out. Lots of slammed doors, storming out of the house and angry threats were thrown about before we learned it was okay to step away and take a breath. Trent and I started dating when I was 19 years old (my god, I was a BABY!) so we've really grown into our maturity together, and that greatly influences how we resolve issues.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
He Said - Let things go. Enjoy the person you're married to. Breakfast sandwiches (they show me that she loves me). Wine. But seriously, a healthy relationship is one where you've probably been through some major things together, stuck it out, and that makes you stronger.
She Said - Remember the first moment you knew you loved that person, and refuse to let that moment fade away. Grope each other whenever the opportunity presents itself. Remember love is an action, not just a feeling, and by actively loving someone, you'll feel love. I got that last one from a self help book...probably written by Bethany Frankel. Don't judge. Okay, that's my last tip. Don't judge! Your wife may watch the E! Network and have science fiction movie marathons. Your husband may spend hours on video games that make absolutely no sense. Just take it all in and love them anyway.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Kate from Motley Mama is the newest-to-me blogger that I’m featuring this week. I started reading her a few months ago and peeps? I can’t stop. Yes, yes, there are things like the fact that we have babies the same age and both dealt with the shit that comes with PCOS, but that’s not it. If I had to sum her up, I’d say she’s honest, funny, and very candid about the realities of motherhood and life. She certainly doesn’t blow sunshine and roses up your butt, but she isn’t a giant wallowing pessimist when she tells it exactly like it is. She is a rarity. What are you waiting for?
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
5 years. Austin was after me like white on rice.
What has being married taught you?
Always ask before eating the last piece of chicken.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
I'd like to say "have a baby," but then I remembered all the tearing. Ouch. We spent some time doing relief work in Haiti a few summers ago. It was 100 degrees with 100% humidity--but we had a great time and laughed a lot.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
My advice to any couple getting married is always "go to bed angry." Things always look better in the morning.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
There is no secret. There's just a lot of work, selflessness, and the bizarre reality that you are in charge of your own happiness.
Read more about our love story here.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Necole is the mastermind behind Seriously Sassy Mama. And that she is. She blogs about life, motherhood of three daughters, fashion, knitting, books, and whatever strikes her fancy.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We have been a couple for 21 years. We are high school sweethearts who met running track. Mr. Kell remembers a friend telling him that I liked him. We have been together ever since.
What has being married taught you?
Mr. Kell - "Life is not about how many punches you can throw, it is about how many you can take and keep moving forward" (Mr. Kell cannot go through a day without quoting Rocky.) (I am going to say that he thinks marriage is work, and that you constantly have to work to make it good.)
Necole - That men and women are truly different creatures, and that we should appreciate our differences, even if we do not like them.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
We both agree that we had an absolute blast at our wedding reception. After 11 years of marriage, people still talk about it.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
I can answer this without Mr. Kell. We are both passionate people and we argue. I will not lie, and will say that we do yell. I personally do not like to lose an argument. In 11 years, we have most certainly gone to bed angry.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Mr. Kell - you have to truly like one another. Love is not enough.
Necole - Be kind and supportive. Do not ever be afraid to tell them that they are wrong or are making a bad decision. You have to look out for each other. You have to be a team.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Janet is joy personified. She blogs at This Confetti Life and before I {badly} describe how happy her blog makes me and why I love reading it, read her philosophy because that just sums it up better than anyone ever could. Everything about it makes me smile from her crazy ass family to every one of the joyful things she does on a daily basis.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We met in October 1999, almost 13 years ago, in a Walmart. After a brief conversation on the film aisle, Janet left the store and immediately told her friends, “I’m going to marry that guy.” A few weeks later, during our first kiss, there was an earthquake (seriously). So, for Janet, it was love at first sight. For Will? It actually took the earth moving.
What has being married taught you?
So many things! Being married expands the world to twice its size. Vacations now include baseball games AND art museums, historical monuments AND dessert with every meal. We’ve each been places we never would have chosen, tasted foods we never would have ordered, been to events we never would have signed up for, learned things we never would have known, all thanks to the other. And it’s not just experience--more importantly, love and joy and wonder are doubled when shared.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Throwing our bags in the trunk of the car, driving to the airport, and boarding a plane for some new destination--we both love the giddy anticipation associated with departing for a big trip.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
Resolving issues has become much more simple the longer we’ve been married. When Janet gets mad, she puts Will on notice: “I’m not speaking to you for the next 10 minutes.” If she’s really mad, make it 20 minutes. It’s best not to go to bed angry, but if we ever do, we’re always sure to say “I love you” and kiss each other goodnight.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
We are of the philosophy that happiness, including marital happiness is a choice, comprised of a series of small everyday choices. We choose to make waffles for breakfast on Sunday morning, hold hands in the theater, drink a bottle of wine on a Wednesday night, go on an evening run together, look for the best in the day. And in these small everyday choices, we’ve chosen a happy marriage.
*AKA: Nikki + Marc. {Bunny + Stan are their crazy alter egos.}
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Ahhhh, Nikki from 86’n it. I mean, she’s a renovating badass, she runs religiously right up until giving birth, is a creative genius, can make you laugh till you want to pee your pants, makes gorgeous babies, and has more energy and drive than anyone I know. I can tell you all of those things for days, but five minutes with Nikki and you are smitten. What you don’t see on the blog is that this girl, she is also an unwavering, there for you, got your back sort of force to be reckoned with that doesn’t come along very often. I’m so incredibly lucky to call her friend.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We've been a couple for 12 years!! Marc thinks he liked me first, but I think it was pretty simultaneous. I remember passing him in the hall in architecture school and thinking "Who's that hottie?". He remembers thinking (after I said something hilarious in the computer lab), "Who is this saucy troublemaker?)
What has being married taught you?
This was the hardest one for us to answer. Maybe because we dated as long as we have been married, marriage didn't seem like a big change. When I really think about it though, it did change a lot. We were one of those horrible break-up/make-up couples. Ugh. Marriage has been very refreshingly permanent. I think it has taught us to relax. We love each other and we are in it for the long haul.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Event? Hands down New Years Eve 2003 at the Olive Garden in Time Square. Best $100 we've ever spent. It was a crazy dance party overlooking all those freezing people corralled outside. Staff handed us glasses of champagne as we rode the escalator down to see the ball drop outside. We somehow lost 4 hours after midnight and NO ONE in our 6-person entourage knows how. The next day we were super hung and ordered a pizza so big it literally didn't fit through the door. Good times.
Activity? Becoming parents. We are both a little obsessed with our daughter. We have more fun living with her than we could have ever imagined. Life is good.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We fight. Then we go to bed angry. When we wake up in the morning, I drink coffee and we work it out.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
I think is different for every couple but for us it is talking. Not "communication", but just talking. We talk constantly about everything and not just our life/marriage related stuff. We talk about our friends, politics, current events, our childhoods, or just funny internet tidbits. It keeps us engaged and connected. Plus, I grew up with 2 sisters and the world's most chatty brother. I LOVE to talk.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Megan blogs at Little Prairie Life. She is crafting, cooking, meditating Mama who is also very honest about life at home with two small children. {Hint: It can be maddening for ANY Mama.} Her smile is infectious and so is her ability to feel like your best friend. She’s also got just about the cutest cottage house ever… seriously, check out the painted ceilings!
How many years have you been together and who liked whom first?
Megan: How long have we been together?
Jon: 5 years, right?
Megan: Yeah, and I liked you first.
Jon: No, I think we liked each other at the same time; it was love at first sight.
What has being married taught you?
Megan: Its taught me that you have to make sure you're on the same page, otherwise its so easy to get upset or angry over false expectations.
Jon: We got married and had kids at the same time and I think that you can't extract one from the other in terms of life experience and the thing that its taught me is the one I'm still working on, which is to live for four people instead of one person.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Megan: We don't do fun things together!
Jon: Yes, we do. We went to Sanibel for our honeymoon and camping in Colorado for our first anniversary.
Megan: I don't even remember Sanibel.
Jon: Yeah, we took a bike ride around the island and ate -
Jon: And we went parasailing.
Megan: That was fun. I liked Colorado better.
Jon: Yeah, me too, but you didn't like it at first.
Megan: Um, it was raining and cold!
Jon: Until we zipped our sleeping bags together.
Megan: *snickering* And you made tea for me every morning. That was sweet.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
Megan: Well, I usually start things off by totally freaking out.
Jon: Jon stares at her without speaking. Megan gets even more mad. Jon gets defensive and makes rational arguments. Megan storms off. Jon sits alone and thinks. And then finally everyone calms down enough to talk through it. Its a pretty good method.
Megan: I do go to bed angry sometimes.
Jon: I don't, because if I do it'll keep me up.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Megan: Uh.....
Jon: I don't know. What do you think? Good communication is part of it. And having reasonable expectations of one another.
Megan: And not expecting them to be someone they aren't.
Jon: And doing stuff together!
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
Lora is the brilliant blogger behind Fever. I don’t even know how to describe her writing except to say that I love it. She has an uncanny knack for talking about the most random shit that keeps me glued to the post until the very last punctuation mark. I mean really, read this post and tell me you won’t be subscribing to her.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
18 years together, and we still argue about who liked whom first! I didn't know he spoke English when I first saw him. We were next door neighbors in the co-ed freshmen dorms (mothers, don't let your babies live in co-ed dorms) and would say hello to one another but that was it. Since he never spoke to me, I assumed he didn't speak English. I never once thought he wouldn't speak to me for any other reason. Turns out he was shy and had a crush. We started hanging out together and he wouldn't kiss me, so I kissed him first. He claims I attacked him.
What has being married taught you?
That being married is the hardest thing about marriage! It can be a battle. Sometimes one on one between us and sometimes the two of us against the world. It's all about compromise and communication and creativity and compassion and caring and probably all sorts of other c-words.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Not sure what the most fun thing is, but we enjoyed traveling after we first got married, before we had to buckle down and get real grown-up jobs.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
It depends what the issue is. Sometimes we can just let the issue fizzle out. Sometimes one of us has to give an ultimatum to the the other. Flexibility is key, as is being open to a vast continuum of problem solving.
Of course! The worst advice we ever got was "never go to bed angry". Sometimes tempers flare because people are exhausted. Everyone has a clearer head in the morning, and sleep is restorative and therapeutic. Who wants to stay up all night fighting? That's craziness! That said, one of us might not go to BED angry. But we both go to SLEEP angry. Sometimes it's okay for someone to angrily sleep on the couch. Anger should be kept out of the bedroom.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Communication. Real, live, down and dirty, soul-baring communication. It's also the hardest thing to do sometimes. You have to work to be happy. Every single day.
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
I met Jennie when she featured my mom’s birthday dinner on her blog Style Lush. She is the creator and editor of Style Lush and its spin off, Food Lush. Her personal blog She Likes Purple, chronicles life with Mike and their adorable son Kyle, recipes, running info, travel, and just daily Jennie.
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
We've been together eight years and we were pretty indifferent to each other for a couple years. (Isn't that how all great love stories start? With indifference.) Anyway, we had a mutual friend in common so we saw each other at get-togethers and birthdays and things like that and then one night, everything changed. He bought me a drink, so I say he liked me first, but he would want it noted I made the first move. (Although, of course, I want it noted the kiss probably only happened because of the drink.)
What has being married taught you?
Somewhat cliche but compromise. We're a true opposites-attract couple, so we have to meet in the middle a lot of the time. It's made us better individuals and better together, I think. Mike also said that it's taught him he couldn't be married to anyone but me, which is really sweet, but also true. He totally lucked out with me. ;-)
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
Mike said travel. It's easily our greatest relationship passion, and our greatest trip was our honeymoon, 10 beautiful, relaxing days in St. John. While I completely agree with Mike (I love travel even more than he does, I think), I said the most fun has been becoming parents together (we have a three-year-old son, Kyle). Our little team of three is a whole lot of fun.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We fight, just like everyone, but I think one thing that's gotten us through arguments (even the bad ones) is that we never name call or put the other down and we try really hard to keep the fight about the fight (and not about every fight that's come before). Also, yes yes yes we go to bed angry. We have a kid, so we sleep when we can, even if it's angry sleep.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
I really like Mike, which seems obvious, but I just think he's a great, funny, incredible guy and no matter how crazy he drives me, my life has him in it, period, so I'd prefer that life to be as happy as possible. I think we're also pretty great at giving the other space to pursue individual passions. Again, opposites attracted here, but we're both really supportive in our individual hobbies. Mike races motorcycles and plays in the garage; I blog, read, and run races. We both cheer the other on, even if we don't necessarily identify with the passion. We also put our marriage first as often as possible. Kyle (our son) can only benefit from two happy parents.
The Davester and I are celebrating seven years of being married. SEVEN. If you want to read about our wedding, have at it.
It’s going to be a love fest up in here this week, Peeps. I have asked a bunch of my favorite bloggers to answer five questions about marriage. Some of their answers are surprising, some are hilarious, and all are so full of mushy love junk that you can’t help believe that these couples do marriage right. I hope you love reading them as much as Dave and I have.
Stop back in a bit to see today’s posts!
Finn wanted me to add “Do you have to ask your wife if you can have candy, and does she say yes?” to the list of questions, but we all know he was just trying to figure out if this marriage thing is worth it.
Trust me Finn, candy or not, it’s worth it.
Oh, and Davester?
I like you.
We’re always trying to come up with good summer salad ideas. My “usual” is romaine with green apple, feta, craisins, pecans and a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. It’s tried and true, but sometimes we want something different. {If you’d like that recipe, I wrote about it here.}
My mother in law asked me to bring a salad for her birthday dinner so Dave and I started brainstorming ideas. Peaches are in season here so we went with a grilled peach salad. We are also dumb asses that totally forgot that my inlaws have a peach tree in their backyard and we could have just picked them! I whipped up an easy {the blender does all the work!} basil red onion vinaigrette and it was a great combo with the sweet, caramelized peaches courtesy of the Davester’s mad grilling skillz.
I would totally make this one again.
For the Salad:
For the Basil, Red Onion Vinaigrette:
Toast the pecans lightly in a pan on the stovetop. Be sure to watch closely and shake pan often. Allow to cool.
Preheat the grill to medium high. You can also use a grill pan or even a George Foreman if you’d like. With a paring knife, slice the peach around the pit. I attempt to get them into quarters, but sometimes you’ll have a smaller piece. Just before grilling, sprinkle a small amount of sugar over the cut edges of the peaches. According to the Davester, you will grill for 2-3 minutes per cut edge, watching closely. Allow to cool.
In a blender, add 1/4 of a red onion. {I just cut a wedge out of the onion.} Add 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of cider vinegar, 3 Tablespoons of fresh lime juice. Blend for 1 minute on high. Add in 10 basil leaves. Blend for 30 seconds. Dip in a spinach leaf and test, if you’d like {we really like a basil punch so we added more} add in 10 more basil leaves and blend 30 more seconds. Store covered in the refrigerator if making in advance and give it a little shake before serving.
Dress the salad just before serving.
Add spinach to a bowl. Add salad dressing slowly to coat leaves and toss. {You will not use all of the dressing you made!} Once spinach is dressed, plate the salads adding bleu cheese crumbles, pecans, and the grilled peach.
If you’d like more grilled peaches, check out grilled peaches + pineapple that makes a delish summery dessert.
So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
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