Please don't let it be kitty bones. Please don't let it be kitty bones. If you're wondering why I'm worried... click here. I got a super secret (and slightly illegal) package today from Ms. Bunny Mendelbaum.
It was awesome.

So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
How fun! I was way off on what the illegal substance was.
It's illegal to send plants???
ah, French KIss, Now your speakin my language.
All men are bastards.
You're making my ass twitch... seriously Amanda, she wrapped them in fabric and everything!
"It's true. I never thought I'd be the kind of woman to say this...but all men are bastards!" Awesome movie. The porch kitty thing did freak me out a bit!
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