Inspired a bit by my answer of needing to learn to keep things simple, I had a VERY simple spaghetti dinner for my friend tonight. She really needed a night to relax. I didn't take photos and blogging wasn't on my mind, but we had some yummy pasta, laughed, and talked for hours. Her company made my night, her understanding about Finnegan's "mama, mama, mama!" interruptions was appreciated, and her looking the other way at my not perfectly clean house made me comfortable.
So thank you Emily and thank you Sandy for reminding me that sometimes it isn't about making a big to do, sometimes it's just about the company.

that was beyond sweet of you to do that for your friend...
I wish I had a night of relaxation!!
Confession: that was the first time I've eaten sauce on my spaghetti since I was a little kid. I didn't like it then, and I've not tried it since. I didn't want you guys to think I was a total freak (especially after the salad dressing incident), so I ate sauce. And I actually liked it! I was serious when I told you it was really good. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to have tomato sauces any more, so that was also the last spaghetti with sauce meal I'll be having for at least a few months.
Dinner was really good, though. I needed a relaxing night like nobody's business. So thanks you you and D for having me over.
EMILY!! I can't even believe you goober! When I asked if you liked spaghetti, you shoulda just said no and I would have made something you'd like! LOL.
But I DO like spaghetti! I just usually like it with butter and salt. You've opened my taste buds to a whole new world.
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