Dave has been finding some interesting stuff!
A light box that was original to the house, see the 1915 patent? Also pictured is the knob & tube electrical {also original to the house} that I captured before they took it out. It was the last bit in the house to be updated.
Finn is enjoying peeking his little head through the access panel {in the hallway} to the shower. He also has been telling Dave regularly that all of the work in the bathroom is cool. And asking him if he 'broked' the walls.
Aside from the big mess in my house, things have been moving smoothly. I'm not quite sure if there is ever a solution to the freaking film of dust that comes from ripping out plaster. Demo & clean up took half a day, which included capping the plumbing before they started ripping it all out, so I really shouldn't complain.
OK, I lied. Dave also put his foot through my ceiling, but thankfully it was over the stairs, so we'll get it fixed when we do some more drywall repairs in the hallway later this summer.
Peeing in the middle of the night is also REALLY cold. The walls are down to the studs & the window molding is also gone and that means a drafty, freezing bathroom. Plus, it's pretty creepy since, ya know, there are no walls or ceiling or umm anything in there.
So, there we are.
Demo - Check
Electrical - Check
Plumbing - Tomorrow
Finish stripping the trim - Sunday
Monday the drywall guys arrive and then we should have some more progress to share!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

So far I love what is going on. But...I'm confused. Exactly where is Finn in this pick and how did he get there? Is he wearing a safety harness that is OSHA approved or are you pulling a Britney?
He is {safely} in the hallway peering into the bathroom. Where his head is is where the faucet used to be to turn on the tub. There is an access panel to the shower {in case we need to shut off the water to the tub for some reason} and they took the panel off in the hall so now you can see through.
Or maybe I totally am pulling a Britney and he was gnawing on the lead paint AND we put him to work. What? He's got small hands to do the detail work. Don't judge.
So yeah, the "bathroom" at night is pretty much like camping. I'm glad I'm a stander, if you catch my drift... or draft. Ha! Draft... get it? Because it's drafty in there.
Well lookie who decided to join the blog party...
I certainly hate the mess remodeling makes...but I just try to keep the end result in sight...we have done bits and pieces over the years...kitchen and bath are on the very soon-to-be-done list.
Night time bathroom trips...brrrr!
Okay. Good. I was certain he was in like a shaft tunnel sort of thingy cause it kind of looked like he was on a ladder. Or something. I don't know. I may have been drunk.
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