{Apology: The terrible photos were taken from the car, ummm... as I was sort of driving it...}
So, back to my being very busy and important. I haven't even had a second to send an update to Sarah about the horrid, gawd awful, Jillian hating status of my September Shred. Oh and a confession, I've been mainlining coffee and m&ms so that should be good.
I've been cleaning and moving stuff and driving my husband completely insane, but it is almost done. I promise to have a more substantial update of the fun stuff going on around our house, ahhh the joys of a 92 year old house and it's quirky charm. For now I leave you with this little hint of the goodness to come...

1 comment:
I told Jillian to eff off after to took a ball bat to my shins. At least that is what it feels like.
I want to see pictures of the DIY!
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