I apologize in advance for not having any pictures to post, D convinced me that a gadget like our Cannon counted as technology. I gave him that since he agreed, without any fight, to give up his cell phone for the day.
So we turned off the tv at midnight in the middle of Saturday Night Live. It helped to close the tv armoire and the laptop as a not so subtle reminder that those things were off limits the next morning. We woke up Sunday morning, and after a brief conversation with my Dad about our Tech Free Day, went over to his house for breakfast. He was fairly happy to comply, although he thought the "no music" rule was insanity. We stayed for several hours just talking and laughing and it was really nice not to have any distraction.
We came home and all three of us had a much needed nap. Normally at that point, D and I would have busied ourselves with some inane task. I would have been on the computer and D would have watched This Old House. It was really nice to just slow down, take a nap, and recharge.
We cleaned the kitchen. We pondered dinner and realized how much we rely on the net for recipes. Dave decided that he had a craving for enchiladas and we didn't have a recipe so we had to invent our own. So off to the grocery we went. A big batch of homemade guacamole and yummy enchiladas later, our bellies were full and it was bath time for the munchkin.
All in all, it was a great success for our family. We paid closer attention to the little idiosynchrasies that our son is developing. We laughed more, we talked more. We hugged and kissed more. Give it a try... even when you think it might be impossible for you to do. The benefits of slowing down and really taking some time to enjoy your family are worth it.

I am so proud of you guys! IT is hard to do...I didnt even think about listening to music or the camera!
Kudos to you guys!!
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