It’s time for this edition of tell me what to watch on Netflix.
Just so we’re being honest, Dave is a little dismayed by the fact that his Top Ten looks like this…
Incidentally, my friend Amy was still using her ex-boyfriend’s Netflix account until recently. He is so hipster-cool though, that he thought the Netflix people would judge him for her choices in romantic comedies, so he would call her mid show and tell her to stop watching marathons of girlie shows. Nothing but documentaries for his Netflix queue. She decided to get a new boyfriend AND a new Netflix account. Now, she can watch whatever she likes without the harsh eye of the imaginary Netflix Police silently judging her cheesy 80s movies.
Tell me… what are you watching on the ‘Flix? AND do you think the Netflix peeps are silently judging your choice in shows?

I gave up Netflix awhile back so I don't know what's available right now. I can tell you, however, that we rented 2 movies this weekend that had me on the edge of my sofa (actually hiding behind it) and I haven't been able to say that for a really long time. The first was "Side Effects" with Jude Law, Channing Tatum and Catherine Zeta Jones...a psycho thriller - a little slow in the beginning but it picks up and you won't expect the ending. If you like the old Alfred Hitchcock movies you'll love this one.
We watched the 2nd one last night and it's the movie that had me jumping around the living room like a lunatic - The Call with Halle Berry. It's a SUPER THRILLER, super scary, super disturbing, super worth the $1 at Red Box.
For instant watch, I love Doc Martin (the series, not the movies). It's an English tv show about a snooty London surgeon that develops an aversion to blood and ends up the GP to a tiny seaside English town. I have an odd sense of humor, but he is just... so... wrong. And thus it becomes entertaining. But I def think you have to appreciate quirky English humor. :) There are many seasons of it, and when I don't have anything else I put it on and watch a few episodes. The Swedish versions of the Dragoon Tattoo movies. The modern Battlestar Galactica series. (I'm so weird. My tastes are all over the place!) Jane's Journey - biopic on Jane Goddall.
For discs - Long Way Down and Long Way Round. Documentary style with Ewan McGregor & Charely Boorman doing these ridiculously crazy motorcycle trips around the world and then from England to the southern tip of South Africa. They go through some crazy, scary countries. And see some amazing stuff. Plus I love Ewan McGregor. :) And if you haven't seen it, I love Dexter.
I won't start on Movies :)
This is probably one of the funniest posts I've read in awhile! Hehe. The boyfriend story is too much.
We don't subscribe to Netflix; it's all about Amazon Prime at our house, but we just started the first season of Sons of Anarchy -- it's intense, but thoughtful, and we're hooked!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
My husband always rolls his eyes when it says, "Suggested for Matt" and all the shows are for our daughter or for me!
I'm a big fan of fairly recent shows that are no longer on, shows that are still on and I just can't seem to get in to them when I have to wait a week for the next episode, or anything that I really want to watch but am a little embarrassed about so I just marathon them when I can!
Here is my recommended list (for now!):
Firefly (So sad it's gone!)
Eureka (SO GOOD!)
Arrested Development (Netflix just released a new season!)
Ugly Betty (Best show EVER!)
Drop Dead Diva (Super cute!)
The Vampire Diaries (Addicting and embarrassing)
Archer (Crude and ridiculous and hilarious!)
Terra Nova (Good, but only one season!)
Sorry if you've seen them already, but that's what I've got! And if you've got any to share please spill! I need some new shows! :)
Do people see what's in my queue publicy? I can only imagine what they think of my choices. Me and hubby share so it's an electic mix.
Right now, I'm watching Dance Academy. Australian teen drama about kids becoming pro ballerinas. Awesome. A friend suggested it to me on Netflix when I asked what I should be watching after West Wing!
We only do instant streaming. House of Cards is seriously good! We are trying to watch the new Arrested Development but can't get in to it like we did in the past. It's Always Sunny in Philly is another one we are just getting started on.
Things I love on Netflix:
Arrested Development
House of Cards
Mad Men
30 Rock
Parks and Recreation
Ira and Abby
TED Talks
We just watched The Avengers. I like to watch British television shows. Weird? It is also a way for me to get my action movie fix. My girls overload it with all their Disney stuff.
Oh man! My queue looks just like yours. I don't even know.
Sarah up there made me want to re-watch Ugly Betty though... I watched every single episode of that show as they aired!!
Oh I love my Netflix. Most of the shows we watch(ed) are already listed, but I will add Orange is the New Black, Freaks and Geeks, Doctor Who (LOVE me some Doctor!), and I like to rewatch my "teen" shows like Pretty Little Liars on there too.
Gosh I hope no one looks at my queue! It is all over the place with a little one in the house. Elmo next to Arrested Development, just doesn't seem right! Ha!
Hooked on British mysteries:
Midsomer Murders
George Gently
Inspector Morse
Prime Suspect
Also love Doc Martin series.
Sarah, I think we are Netflix twins! Everything Sarah said, plus we liked. . .
1. Pretty Little Liars
2. Weeds
3. Army Wives
4. Revolution (Excellent show)
5. Alphas (only 2 seasons and abrupt ending, but good)
6. Lie to Me
7. Breaking Bad
1. Apart (movie)
2. Sherlock (BBC version with Benedict Cumberbatch)
3. Hit or Miss
Orange is the New Black. Not kid friendly... at all! But I loved the series!
A ton of people have recommended Orange lately, I'm going to check it out!
My netflix choices range from silly to serious. I do not want violence, I don't like Jennifer Anniston movies. These are my choices for you to think about.
Raising Hope...great writing, great acting
Monica & David...a very poignant documentary that is uplifting and has a great ending.
My Name Is Earl...start at the beginning and the first two seasons are the best
McMillan and Wife...Susan St. James wears the coolest 70's fashions, Nancy Walker and Rock Hudson share the episodes with great guest stars.
SNL season 1983..very funny
Butter...about butter carving...Jennifer Garner is at her best, it has a great ending.
Head Games...the current research on concussions and contact sports. engrossing
Last American three different ranches in Montana go through a year of raising cattle. And I thought the guys on Deadliest Catch had the worst job.
Bright Leaves...the history behind the beginnings of the Big Tobacco Industry. inner city school in Memphis gets volunteers to coach the kids in life and football, restores faith in humanity, shows how to really help kids.
Call the Midwife (several seasons), Broad Church, Bloodline, Heart of Dixie, When Calls the Heart, New Girl (several seasons), Anne with an E, Heartland, Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce, Mad Men, Wentworth, Nurse Jackie.
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