1. Having my sister Elise home for one last summer before she moves and becomes a stodgy grown up.
2. Trader Joe’s Fleur de Sel Caramel Sauce over vanilla ice cream. I wouldn’t pass up some roasted almonds on top too.
3. Hot summer days. My hair would thank you for a little less humidity though.
4. The smell after a thunderstorm passes through.
5. Texas Senator Wendy Davis.
What is on your love list right now?

Hot summer days? Pass on that one but I'll take the rest ;)
STODGY!? Never. I hope these are in no particular order because I'm certainly undeserving of the #1 spot over Wendy Davis (and ice cream and caramel for that matter).
Loving grilling out every night! And totally agree with you on #4 - wish you could bottle that scent up!
I'm so looking forward to the hot summer days that are moving in on us later this week. For the Pacific Northwest, what is coming is perfection in my eyes - low 80's for days in a row. Ahhhh. The last week has been warm and muggy. Thunderstorms blowing through last night. I'm so not used to that humidity with the warm and it drives me nuts. It drives my hair even nuttier. I'd never make it through a whole summer in a humid state, I'm such a wimp.
I love that I'll be hanging out with your mom soon for a whole week and 5 other equally wonderful women in Sonoma, California! - Kim
Right now one of my biggest loves in my Sketcher's Go Walks. Go ahead, make fun of me... but seriously, some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. Put them on the first time and work them around CP the entire day and never had an issue. You're always blogging about this yummy stuff from Trader Joe's... guess I may have to find one semi-close and check it out!!!
I love that I'll be sharing some of those warm Midwest summer nights with my equally warm, wild and crazy family. See you Friday!
Aunt Linda
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