Dear Dave, My Love,
I know your deep hatred of sweatpants, yoga pants, and especially pajama pants. When you read this, please picture me saying pajama pants with a raised fist and voice a la “Newman” on Seinfeld.
I have these grandiose ideas that one day… one sweet day, you’ll come home to a house that is perfectly clean. {It would be sparkling clean if you let me hire Lori back!} There will be no train tracks covering the living room floor. There will be no stinky garbage to take out.
There will be glistening countertops with a fresh pie or something for dessert. Dinner will be bubbling away on the stove. Unless, of course it’s something that shouldn’t be bubbling, then of course there would be no bubbling, but you know what I mean, for now you’ll make due with bubbling.
I will be dressed in something other than pajama pants and a tank top with no bra. It’s not my fault, clearly. Our Your daughter needs quick access to the ta-tas. Remember when YOU had access to them? Ahhh the good old days.
Maybe, just maybe I’ll even wear some make up and have my hair in something other than a messy pony tail.
Until then? Viva la Monkey Pants.
Your Loving Wife

Quick access to the tatas...reminds me of the time I answered the door topless to the smiling mailman.
You really make me laugh... it is now 1:30 in the afternoon & I am still trying to get my make up on & make it out the door...
I love this!!!! This sounds exactly like my house. My most favorite pants that I just recently had to part with were a pair of mens xl huge sweatpants that said "Brooklyn" down the side. They were by far my favorite pants in the world. They went so wonderfully well with my white ribbed tanktop and no bra. This outfit became known as my epitome of trailer trash outfit in my house (lord, I hope this doesn't offend anyone!!) I had to get rid of the pants because I turned to the side and the pocket got caught on a drawer pull and ripped 1/2 the leg off. I tried my best to fix it, but I was unsuccessful. I had a ceremony before throwing them in the trash! These men will never appreciate the need for comfort - especially for the lack of a bra!!! I just politely remind him that the reason I dress so "sloppy" is so that he can appreciate it even more when I actually take the time to get around and ready to go somewhere!!! Have a fantastically comfortable weekend :o)
Love the monkey pants. I slept in my yoga pants and shirt, because I was too cold to change. Lovely
Hey, your toes are done - that counts, right? :) I'm still dreaming of the day he comes home to a sparkling clean house with dinner on the stove... and my son is a junior in high school LOL
Haha. Yesterday I was in my pj pants and thought, I need to spruce myself up a bit before my husband comes home. So I put on Yoga pants! Like they're really a step up from pj pants. Lol. I think we're all in the same boat :)
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!
At least your toes are painted. AND you have on a cute toe ring. Who says you can't fancy up jammie pants?!
I don't think my husband has ever told me he doesn't like my pajama pants because I live in yoga pants when I get home from the office. It makes me a happy person when I put those on.
Aww this post made me smile and laugh!! Love the bubbling food. Sometimes my food bubbles over and I'm stuck with a huge mess. LOL Hate that.
I'm sure he understands! :)
Nice floor! ;)
Hey those pajama pants are at least a cute pattern! :)
and P.S. Your TOES look fabulous! Even my toes aren't fully polished right now!
You are cute. I finished the first book of Ms. Plum....ummmm, ew. Tell me do I really want to read the next?
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