Y’all I am ridiculously excited about this.
My mom and I have a thing about Janet Evanovitch’s Stephanie Plum series. The new book comes out every year just before her birthday and makes the perfect gift. And now the movie is going to be released in January!
I don’t know how I feel about the casting. I always pictured Sandra Bullock as Stephanie, but they probably needed a younger actress. I pictured Grandma Mazur a little older, but Morelli and Ranger are just about perfect. And the best part… I think Sherri is going to rock the Lula role.
Have you read the books?

I am woefully unread since I graduated March 2010
I have been waiting for this for forever! I love the series, but still have to read 16 and 17. They picked the perfect man to play Joe Morelli. Yummo. I think Grandma Mazur should have been played by Cloris Leachman. Sandra Bullock would have been great.
I haven't read these books yet. I was going to start the series over the summer, but I was shocked to learn that my library doesn't have a single copy of the first book. I thought that it was mandatory for all libraries to carry multiple copies of each book in this series! :)
OMG! I am so excited that they finally made a movie from the books and that a release date has been set :) I had heard about it last spring and that they put release on hold because of the summer blockbuster lineup. Now, it comes out the weekend after my birthday so my birthday celebration is going to include a girls' night out at the theatre!!
As far as casting, I thought Sandra Bullock was a shoo in as well and Grandma Mazur definitely should have been a little older. I like Heigl and the trailer definitely leaves me wanting to see the rest of the movie...
That's it: I'm buying these books and watching this movie as soon as it comes out. GIRLS' NIGHT OUT!!!
I haven't read the books, but I love Katherine Heigl so I'll definitely see it... my only issue with it is this movie looks almost exactly like the Jennifer Anniston / Gerard Butler movie "The Bounty Hunter" just with the roles reversed??
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