My friend Cheryl pinned this awesome manicure from Polish Infatuated.
Source: via Cheryl on Pinterest
I had to try it with my own twist. I love it!

My friend Cheryl pinned this awesome manicure from Polish Infatuated.
Source: via Cheryl on Pinterest
I had to try it with my own twist. I love it!
So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
I love glitter.
This is uh-maze-ing! Need it NOW!!
Oh, I am so doing this!!!
I had some added to my toes this summer, but it was really hard to get off.... what is the trick of removing it?
Sheila, it does take more muscle to remove it. I usually take a cotton ball soaked with remover and hold it on the nail for 30 or so seconds and then start wiggling side to side to remove.
I <3 <3 <3 glitter nail polish!!!! I laughed out loud when I saw your pictures of your nails. Before I went into L&D, I had to make sure my nails were done and I painted them a taupey browny color (exactly like yours) with glitter on them, only mine was 1/2 done from the bottom up... which I also learned from pintrest. I got a ton of compliments... and I love how you did the accent color!!!!! Now it's time to paint Tate's nails :o)
Yay glitter! Love cute:)
Love it! Looks great.
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