I've been feeling weird lately. And it’s weird that I’m feeling weird because things have been good lately, like really good. Dave is back to working 50ish hours a week rather than 60-70 or more. I can’t believe how much good it does for your marriage to have that extra time together, we’re sneaking kisses in the kitchen and holding hands. We’re planning a little getaway for the fall. We have exciting things to look forward to like spending time with friends, seeing one of my besties, secret projects, a wedding for some friends, it’s been cool enough to have the windows open, and the best… Miss Annabelle is getting her port out AND has been chemo free now for a year!
So things should feel GREAT right now, but they just feel kind of weird. Just a little off.
I've not been sleeping well, I’m sure that’s part of it.
We have a cricket in the basement. It selectively chooses to start its crickety noises when I go to bed. Highly annoying. Dave has searched for it, but that little sucker is illusive. Dave thinks he’s camped out under a huge heavy shelving unit. Just how long can Jiminy live in our basement without cricket food? What do crickets even eat? Never mind, I do not really want to know. I’ve been having dreams that it’s right there in the room and have been startling myself awake several times a night.
I’ve been also having vivid weird dreams. Like two nights ago, I had an awful dream that I was in a room with some people {I have no idea who} and I could clearly see the metal lock on the door and there were two wide windows on either side of the door. The whole room, walls and door were this really pretty turquoise blue, but just outside that lock was a scary ass bear that wanted nothing more than to eat my face off if I opened that metal lock. So he starts to walk away and I open the door and he turns around to come after us, but I luckily get it locked again in the nick of time.
I also have heartburn for some reason. I wish it were pregnancy heartburn, but I’m pretty sure it’s just the random run of the mill, “Michelle you’re getting old quit eating red sauce and hot sauce” type of heartburn. It also makes the sleeping not fun because as soon as I lay down it ups the uncomfortable factor a few notches.
Speaking of lack of pregnancy, I’m guest posting today over at Ashlee’s blog, My Spoiled Eggs about my infertility journey. Stop over and say hello, won’t you? She also has a great giveaway going as well this week, including a $50 Anthro card.
I’ve been doing a lot of extra projects lately {some I will share with you soon} so I don’t know if it’s all of the extra work going on or what. I was also photographing one of said projects and stupidly decided to stand on one of our (pub height) dining room chairs and then proceeded to fall right on my ass. Thirty-four year old fat girls should likely not try to stand on chairs when there are ladders literally 16 feet away from you. Go on then, laugh. It’s ok. Really. I’m ok, but my butt hurts like a mother and there isn’t even a bruise to make it worth it.
It’s busy. It’s the end of summer. Time to recharge for the fall. I may take a day {or a few} off these next couple weeks.

Well yay for Dave being home more! Sorry about all the rest though. How about get super winefaced and drunk dial you? Would that cheer you up?
ugh! i've been getting heartburn lately toooo! i never get heartburn. i am most definitely not pregnant (or, if i am, i have some explaining to do since my husband is fixed) so is that the explanation, i'm getting OLD?! blech.
I am feeling crabbier and crabbier - so weird sounds good about now.
I'm so glad you've had time together! And we have an obnoxious cricket outside our window too. UGH.
I think something is in the air...I feel weird too, but no weird dreams. I do not like the lock! I hope the cricket goes away (somehow!). I climb on chairs and counters and whatever all the time and fall on my ass...it is like a past time here!
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