My family though? I wouldn't change it for the world. I have so many people to call my own that I will never be without someone to turn to. This weekend, we added another.
Before we go any further, I suppose I should give you a cheat sheet too...
Colleen was there for my high school graduation. She was there as I walked down the aisle with Dave. She and her best friend were my labor + delivery nurses when I had Finnegan. She has seen me grow from a snotty teenage brat to the woman I am today and it makes me unbelievably happy to see her walk down the aisle with someone that she loves and adores. Christopher and Elise are almost raised and it makes me smile knowing that she is beginning this next phase of her life with a partner to share her life with.
Wow. With that long explaination out of the way...

Wow, what gorgeous pictures. I love looking at other people's wedding pictures. :) Happy wedding to your old step-mom! I got that right, right?
I think you're the only person I know who calls two people step-mom. At least your dad is good about keeping his relationships in good shape after divorce.
I like the graphic of the family construction!
So I seriously love your dress, ya looked lovely!
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