I wanted to say thank you to those of you who filled out my little survey about how to improve So Wonderful, So Marvelous. {If you missed it and you’re interested, you can still participate.} I have to say, I was a little surprised at some of the responses. You want more pictures, you had sweet words for me, you overwhelmingly don’t want a set posting schedule, and I *may* have been threatened if I ever decide to participate in Wordless Wednesday. Half of you are bloggers and half of you aren’t. One of you, my asshole cousin John, wanted me to add stuff about Fantasy Football… I’m guessing that probably wouldn’t be a good fit, but it did make me laugh. I figured for sure the favorite category would be the parties or the recipes, but it turns out you all just like hearing me ramble on and on like a blathering idiot.
I am sure that Dave will attest, I never do keep my mouth shut. Even when I should.
Like this little gem in front of my inlaws, “Dave looked like SUCH a dork. He showed up to my fertility doc appointment in pleated pants, short sleeved lime green button down shirt, cell phone clipped to his belt, and his work id dangling from his waist. At least he remembered to take the international cell phone off and leave it in the car. All he needed was a pocket protector.”
Um. Just take a guess what my father in law was wearing. Oh yeah.
And then right there over ice cream cake…
I might have alluded to the fact that in addition to Dave’s Dad sweetly making Sue dinner for her birthday, hot sex might have also been on the menu.
They sure didn’t deny it. I’m pretty sure with her beet red face and hysterical laughter I was on the right track. That’s all I’m sayin’.
Who wouldn’t want me for a daughter in law?
Excuse me for just one moment please.
Dear Sue,
Please do not try to oust me from the family after reading about your hot birthday sex on my blog. And if you do, at least blame it on the fact that I can’t sew, I’m a democrat, or I swear like a sailor. Any of those things are better than kicking me out for writing about your sex life on the blog.
Love, Your favorite {and only} daughter in law.
PS. Wait… ummm... am I just your favorite because I’m your only daughter in law?
Another shocker for me was that a bunch of you didn’t know you could subscribe and wanted more info, so here is the quick tutorial on that:
- If you have a feed reader such as Google Reader or Bloglines, you can click right over there to the right in my sidebar the little RSS button, or subscribe in a reader text link. I love this option and I have talked a bunch about my mad love for Google Reader.
- If you have no idea what a Google Reader is but still want to subscribe, you can get all of the So Wonderful, So Marvelous posts in your email. To do this, just enter your email address in the box over there to the right.
And for you visual learners like me…
The option is there and it couldn’t be easier. Of course, you can also just say screw the subscription and visit me right here.
So, thank you. Thank you for reading daily. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for participating, for using my projects with your own twists, for taking fabulous parties of your own to the next level, and for inspiring ME daily with your ideas. Thank you for making me laugh and sending me lovely emails and for strangers becoming friends. I’m looking at you Ash and Meg and Jess and Becki and Courtney and Lisa and on and on and on…
Thank you.

I feel like my in-laws barely tolerate me as is. I can only imagine the reaction if I even thought about their sex life (ewwww) or wrote about it.
I love you!
Aw! Love it!! You made me laugh, got me fired up for future posts and then gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling with the shout out. For the record, we are totally friends and you are more than welcome to crash my pad if you decide to visit Atlanta!
And I definitely would not complain if you posted more delicious recipes. ;)
You rock. More pictures I can definitely get behind!
What I missed the poll?! I like you just as you are. I do not have to joke about my Mother-in-laws sex life - she just tells me EVERYTHING! UGH! The upside...if hubby gets frisky, I just say "Did you know your mom (insert sex story)." and I am off the hook!
Wow, I totally missed the poll with all of the vacationing...I'll have to go back and check up!
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