{image via Windex}
My secret to keeping my 92 year old wood floors sparkling? I use a soft cloth dustmop {I have a Libeman} on them at least once a week and/or vacuum {make sure to turn off the brush!} Then, once a month I wash them with a solution of windex and warm water. I think the best way to do it is on hands and knees with a soft cloth, but I've been known to use a mop from time to time too. I just put maybe a cup in with 3-4 gallons of warm water. I can't take credit for this tip though... my step-mom has her own cleaning company and she was the one that taught me this one! This solution also works on my kitchen floors which are the snap in place engineered stuff.
Want some more crazy cleaning fun? See the garage clean out before and after. Visit my Monica closet.
And in keeping with full disclosure, I am quite sure that Windex doesn't know who I am or that I am blogging about their product, so no, this isn't a paid gig.

Windex? Really? I use vinegar water which is a similar product that doesn't make me sneeze like Windex! :) It works well also!
That's a great tip. I may have to try it the next time I run out of my favorite wood cleaner to see if I like it better! Thanks!
Nice to know since I will be getting new "wood" floors in a few months. I can't wait. I once wrote a haiku about how much I hate linoleum. I think I could write ten more about that subject. That and overhead lighting [shudder].
Ash, chalk up another thing in common. Linoleum is the devil. We had it in our kitchen pre-mini remodel. I hated that it never seemed to be totally clean, plus we get a lot of sun in our kitchen and it bleached out quite a bit! We ended up picking a great slate tile looking floor, most people can't even tell it's not real. We had some awesome help from friends that had done it before, but it was EASY to do ourselves. Just measure, remeasure, and remeasure again!
@Tara, Windex makes you sneeze?? LOL. I just don't like the vinegar and water smell which is why I do the Windex.
@Kaye, What do you normally use? I've tried a bunch but haven't found one I really like that doesn't leave a build up.
And this doesn't make is slippery at all? I wonder if this would be okay to use on wood laminate floors?
Great post!
Stop by and visit me sometime over at Free 2 Be Frugal!
I always knew Windex was a good multi tool! Just moved into a house with lots of wood flooring and I will be trying this!
I use Windex on my floors too!! Love it!!
The switch that turns my brush off on my vacuum broke so I have to use a broom now! Boo!
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