Writers write books. Writers write newspaper and magazine articles. Writers write technical journals. Writers write. Writers get paid for their words.
Yes, I write things most days. And yes, I get paid to do that whether it’s here in my own space or in someone else’s.
But, I’m not a writer.
I am a blogger.
Are you reading that like a dirty word in your head?
Are visions of bad photos and infrequent blog posts dancing before your eyes?
Did you just roll your eyes at me?
I am a blogger.
I’m not just ok with being a blogger, or waiting to call myself a writer.
Blogging takes creativity, photography, editing, PR, marketing, site coding, oh… and writing. Doing it right is hard work. {I do not in any way profess to be doing it right, sometimes I get it very wrong. In fact, some of those doing it wrong moments have been catalysts for betterment.}
Using my voice is something I am proud of, but so too are all of the other pieces that are in play.

I like this whole blogging thing. Maybe one day I will get serious about it.
Blogging has grown. It's grown up and real people WRITE real blogs. You do it well! You have every right to be proud of it.
A blogging group I was a part of just had a conversation going about this. Many call themselves writers - and those who do tend to be small business owners or writing in some other capacity than on their blogs. The rest seemed to call themselves bloggers....and it's funny, everyone seemed to agree that calling yourself a blogger had kind of a negative connotation. But when you put it like you do...thinking about all the other things besides writing that go into a blog, you're totally right. It's something to be proud of. It's a lot of work!
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