With Easter coming up and legions of little boys wearing suits, I thought I’d share a clever find today.
Finn has to wear a uniform to school. Most days he wears a polo and dress pants, but once a week, sometimes twice, he likes to wear an oxford and tie to school. His goal is to look like Neal Caffrey from the show White Collar. Let’s just look past the fact that this character is a convicted felon and art thief, shall we? Instead let’s focus on how cute my little dude looks in a tie.
The only issue is boys’ ties! I can’t stand clip on ties for boys. Finn would probably spend all day clipping and unclipping it and frankly, they don’t look great.
Five year olds aren’t exactly dexterity kings, right? So a regular necktie isn’t the most practical solution either.
So how do we do ties?
Years and years ago, my sister passed down a Chaps tie that is on a zipper from my nephew Dylan. I know right? Genius idea. I had never heard of these!
How does it work? This tie is exactly like a regular tie that is already knotted. You know how you can loosen or tighten a tie? This one is on a zipper so you tighten it just like a regular tie by pulling down on the skinny end of the tie behind the front. The knot is stationary just like a regular tie. The only thing that is different, the zipper has a stopper both ways. So you can’t over tighten and choke yourself and you can’t loosen to the point of pulling the skinny end out of the knot.
You just slip it over your head and tighten. Brilliant!
There are a ton of boys’ zipper ties available at Amazon. Our personal favorites are at Macy’s. They have a great selection of Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger, and Calvin Klein, plus you can buy them in store. If you are ordering online, toddlers do well with the 11” size and boys should go with a 14” tie.
Happy zippering!

Cute. Pleated Poppy also has fun ones.
That is a genius idea!
Plus, omg, little boys in ties. Too cute.
That is brilliant. I love little boys in ties and this just makes it so much easier!
Genius! Pinning this for when the toddler starts wearing ties.
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