1. Olay ProX Scrubber. I’ve been using this sucker for months now and even with the post baby hormones, my skin has stayed really soft and smooth. I love it and at 1/4 the price of the Clarisonic, it’s a steal!
2. Sharpies. So. Many. Colors. I am addicted and I really need the huge pack from Costco for Christmas. Santa? Are you listening?
3. Pandora. How does it just KNOW?
4. Charming Charlie. This is THE mecca of affordable accessories. I used to run to F21 for cheap, fun accessories, but now? One stop with THOUSANDS of items, grouped by color, and displayed with items you can pair together? You can’t beat it.
5. CoffeeMate Natural Bliss Vanilla. I love flavored creamers. I don’t love that they are made with a bunch of shit I can’t pronounce, so I usually stick to putting cream and a little sugar in my coffee. I may have squeaked out a little cheer of joy when I came across this in the grocery. It is made from stuff you can pronounce {milk, cream, and vanilla} AND it tastes amazing. It also comes in Sweet Cream & Caramel flavors that I have yet to try.
What is on your LOVE list right now?
Disclosure Blurb: I wasn’t compensated or asked to talk about any of these products, they’re just fabulous goodies that I love. Contains Amazon Affiliate links.

I just found out that sharpie has calligraphy pens in different colors. I fell in love. I need to get me some of those. Santaaaa...????
1. Yarn all different colors.
2. Recipes - I am on a cooking kick
3. Taking Pictures
4. Learning Code - 100% dork
5. Note cards - they have a million different uses!
Oh the creamer looks amazing. I am addicted to flavored creamers. I use them every morning but I shouldn't. Sigh. Will have to add this to my list of things to buy on my next trip to the States. I totally missed the salted caramel stuff at TJs, going to look for that too!
Things I love right now:
1. Felt-I am addicted to using it to create fun little banners, such as the Halloween one I will be making later!
2. Chuggington-that blessed show with all of its trains has made my toddler into a child that poops on the potty. He is MOTIVATED to get those trains and bless him, I haven't cleaned out underwear in weeks!
3. The dollar store-my crafty stuff is cheap!
4. Halloween decor
5. The crisp fall weather
Things I love right now:
1. Salted Carmel Mocha Iced Coffee from Starbucks - seriously, why did I just try this last week?!?! Goes fantastic with a pumpkin scone :o)
2. My new iPhone. I don't care if you think that makes me a nerd - I am a proud member of the Mac nerd herd!
3. Pinterest! My kids are going to count down the days until my maternity leave is over (once it finally gets started!!)
4. My kids getting all excited and dancing to "Calling all the Monsters" all 9000 times it comes on Disney
5. The fact that Kohls FINALLY opened up in Williamsport. Now I can save myself a 45 minute drive.
Things I love right now:
1. The Fall colors and weather! Not sure I'm ready for snow (which they are calling for here) but Fall weather..yes please!
2. Grande, Hot Chocolate, no whip from Starbucks!
3. Pandora ~ because I can listen to my Christmas music and it's great!
4. All my new and exciting ideas I've been getting for my sign language team.
5. All the retro Christmas cards that are on Shutterfly! Love!
Our list is pretty much the same. I'm wicked into my Scentsy right now as well.
And I've been meaning to pick up the Pro Scrubber because $200 for the Clarisonic? NO WAY.
I saw that creamer at the store the other day and thought it might be good - but it's always nice to hear someone else tell me that they liked it! My problem is I buy those things for work and can never go through a whole bottle before it goes bad because I drink coffee so rarely during the week.
i must ask you about the olay thing! i was going to ask for it for my bday, but i didn't, and now i'm thinking xmas. does it require a specially purchased facewash or any other accompaniments that would up the price?
currently, i'm loving rocking out to my halloween mix cd, american horror story, dylan mcdermitt shirtless/nude-ish scenes, a busy work month, and seeing 2 fabulous movies recently. usually things are just good, but these 2 were fab.
OOOH. Love this. I like creamers and have been using La Creme or Silk Soy Creamer. I'm gonna try this!
I'm gonna have to come up with my 5!
I use that creamer too!
Other favorites...
1. Tsp coconut oil in my green tea in the morning
2. Eggs I am getting from my chickens in the backyard
3. My iPad!..Never thought I would like it, but I was soooo wrong.
4. My chiropractor.
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