Last weekend during our Ree visit, I picked up a copy of her new book, Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, for one of you! It’s all autographed and waiting for its new home. Oh yes, I love you guys that much.
So how do you win? Leave a comment telling me your weekend plans!
We’re going to be baking homemade Samoa cookies, making hot chocolate, curling up by the fire, and cleaning up after a whole mess of snow.
I’ve gotta say, a beach is sounding like a really wonderful idea right now.
I will pick a random winner on Monday morning.
Happy Friday and good luck!

I haven't had to work in two months due to back surgery, and this is my last weekend before I return to my dreaded office. So, I plan to spend the weekend with my precious girls, doing some scrapbooking, avoiding the snow outside and hopefully nursing everyone back to health (lots of coughing in my house). Have a great weekend!
Heading out of town for one of my bff's baby shower. We are welcoming her into the mommy club! So excited I can't even stand it!
We are taking Roxy to have her 18 month photos done, making a bulletin board for a factory in my hometown to raise awareness about the March of Dimes, and then going to a first birthday party for a friend of Roxy's. Its going to be a fun(and busy) one!
Yippee! My dad is getting into town in just 4 short hours. There will be lots of eating of food involved, I'm sure.
Mostly- my weekend plans will probably involve diapers, feedings, naps (with my 3 month old boy)...and hopefully a date with my husband!
We have absolutely no plans and I can't wait to be lazy. Maybe some blanket and pillow forts and definitely playing trains with the boys :)
I will be working on a diaper cake for my mother's co-worker, then Saturday night we are going to a friends house to hang out and eat dinner and Sunday we are going to lunch with the family to celebrate a birthday.
Ooh, I want to read it! :)
We're going to a wedding tomorrow (where maybe we can practice our new ballroom dancing skillz!) and then a family dinner (where there will be more old people and less dancing). I sure hope Sunday is open--I've been missing my husband all week. We've been so busy!
Evil Dead thing & dinner out tonight (after cleaning and laundry of course), brunch & a b-day party tomorrow with friends and brunch with the family after church on Sunday. (somewhere in there I also need to study so we'll see how that goes!) Have a great weekend!
Well, I'm at the beach and we have snow today too! I have a sick little girl (fever, cough)so our plan for the weekend is to curl up and watch netflix movies while eating comfort food and lots of fluids :)
Another low key weekend at home, hoping the sniffles and coughs that are still lingering will go away so we can go sledding.
Hiya! Thanks for commenting on my blog : ) This weekend I am going to Ikea. I love to have a look around at their new bits & pieces. On Sunday I might be going to a zoo with my family...such fun!!
I live in the UK so hopefully that won't affect me winning or not : )
Gemma x
The blonde chick on the right side of the picture gave me a start. I thought it could have been me!!
This weekend, I am going to finish the 4th book in the Outlander Series and do some shoveling of the snow also!
Hockey game tonight and then planning a last minute trip to Mexico next month!
I have a girls get together tonight (Friday) and then the normal Sat (cleaning, shopping, playtime with the kids) then I my baby nephew is coming for the evening YAH! Church on Sunday and more playtime with the kids! Hope you have a great weekend.
Tonight, I am making a beef stick/string cheese/pretzel/peanut necklace and tomorrow I am drinking tons of Michigan craft beer while I freeze my butt off!
I am nursing a sick husband back to health and hopefully not catching the flu bug. I am also going to sqeeze in a house clean, grocery shop, and a fun trip to Target.
My weekend plans will consist of rocking the babe, feeding the babe, diapering the babe, pumping, and catching up on my DVR...ha! I'm sure it doesn't sound very interesting or exciting, but I can't wait to soak up every second of my sweet baby Jett over the weekend!! :)
I'm not sure what my weekend plans are yet, but we're kicking tonight off with taco night (for the fam) and margaritas (for the grown ups)!
My weekend plans are THE BOMB!! We are staying overnight at the Hilton Garden Inn in Perrysburg and eating out at some yummy restaurant near there. We are going to a movie and eating movie theater popcorn. I am going to go to Churchills and see if they have the cookies like they used to make and maybe a Paczki or two. We are probably going to eat a Wixey danish and definitely going to eat a Chili-Mac from Ideal Hotdog. All without any kids!!!
We are doing a whole lot of nothing! With the snow we just received, leaving the house just is too much of a hassle for my hubby & myself to ourselves and 3 kids ready to dredge through the snow to jump in the car and do a whole lot of nothing. So tonight we will make homemade pizzas rolls, Chocolate banana milkshakes, tents throughout my family room and memories of us giggling at Daddy showing us how to dance =) Saturday will be busy as usual, up early for karate, naps, Costco(for lunch...Ha!)and throw in some laundry, homework and my 2nd grader working on his Sitting Bull report. Sunday off to my best friends daughter's baptism(crossing my fingers I do not burst into flames upon entering Gesu) then home to relax until Monday starts back up with our busy everyday life of full time jobs and full time karate schedules and full time nursing school......Fun stuff!
Ah, I love Ree. I just finished the book and an autographed copy would be amazing!
This weekend - shopping for a dining table, dealing with a possible snowfall here (we live in California!), taking Emergen-C because I think I'm getting sick, making a yummy sausage pizza tonight, laundry. Basically, the usual!
Oh PLEASE let me win! Anyway, our weekend plans are great!
Tomorrow Nana and Papa are taking both boys and my hubby and I get our first date post baby being born! It is going to be an afternoon date and I'm not sure what we are doing yet but I don't even care.
The next day little Rusty is going to see the Canucks-his beloved hockey team-do a skills competition with his daddy. He gets to ride the metro down-which he LOVES-and he has been asking every day if tomorrow is the hockey game!
I also plan to catch up on some blogs and do a bit of a photobook session!
It is cold and raining here so we will stay in with movies, homemade pizza, popcorn, etc.
I've got plans for a road trip to watch the hubs play softball, but I'm considering cancelling in favor of sitting at home willing myself to win this book.
You could save me the trouble and just go ahead and declare me winner.
I plan on flying back to that god awful snow away from my honey:( Then back to packing and waiting for any news on my next assignment......
This is our weekend of birthday parties--we have two on Saturday and two on Sunday to go of the one's on Sunday is at our house, so I'm sure some cleaning will be involved. To top it all off, I'm going to an 80s party Saturday night with some moms from school. Should be fun--and busy!!
I have a whole lot of nothing going on. B is making summer sausage with his family on Sunday (barf), but that's it.
We are cleaning up after the snow storm and organizing stuff in the attic.
I just made Ree's Apple Dumplings for after dinner tonight. They were fab!
I went to the signing as well!
getting up at 5 am tomorrow to take the middle child to her last ski lesson, then take the kiddos to lunch and make a trader joe's run before picking my dad up at the airport, whooo-hoooo! i'm so excited, i haven't seen him in over 4 years and he's never met our littlest ankle-biter! it's gonna be a FUN visit!
This weekend I am heading up to NYC for a bachelorette party that will include tacos and an Awesome 80's Prom! I also get to spend time with my friend and former roommate which is always exciting. You'll have to stop by the blog next week--I'll be posting pics!
Our weekend plans include a couples fundraiser Bunco party tonight! Just hoping snow doesn't alter the plans... The rest of the weekend is the usual chores - groceries & cleaning, and then making posters and table cards for our big Mardi Gras Fundraiser cocktail party next weekend!
Well we were going to have a hot chocolate stand because it was supposed to SNOW in San Francisco but since the sun is shining for the first time in weeks we didn't think our sales would be that great!
Dinner out with another family tonight, watching the red carpet and Oscars tomorrow and getting the kids ready to go back to school after Ski Week.
B is working, so I went to coffee with some girlfriends, and now I'm watching Goodburger.
Total relaxation today with my men, tomorrow will be about getting organized for the week--lots to do and my to-do lists will be critical!
My weekend plans involved taking care of two kids, dinner with my grandparents and lots of cleaning. Hope your weekend was fabulous!
Beer fest and now recovering :) I wouldn't miss the beer fest for the world!
Yesterday I worked, took a nap, saw my sister's musical, then met up with a friend for drinks. Today we are watching my niece and nephew, who are entertaining Linds. Chicken tortilla soup is in the crockpot and already made rice krispie treats for dessert. Good weekend!
spent it in t-town doing some much needed eating, drinking, and laughing with the fam...and now i'm being lazy with my little peanut :)
reading your blog! and cleaning house. just found your blog! so adorable. thanks for the great comment on my post!
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