and mostly I still don’t know shit about balancing life, keeping a clean house, raising upstanding lovely human beings, cooking dinner on a regular basis, or being a hot wife to my husband.
But I try. Mostly.
Some days, it’s all you can do.

So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
girl take some more credit!!!
Funny because I think anyone you ask would disagree!
Just ask Dave. For realsies. I'm lucky if half the days of the week I get out of my pjs lately.
i would trade you places any day! lol
Just thanks for this! I have to say a big AMEN. We're all doing the best we can!!
thanks for stopping by my blog. i'm a mostly mom. it works for me.....mostly.;)
We've spent more days in our pj's in the last 3 months than out of them. Okay, not quite, but there have been plenty of them. Including Tuesday. If you figure out a method for the above mentioned, please offer training class.
I love this post. You are awesome!
Amen, sister!
I have just reached 3 years of being home also and just like you don't know how to do any of that crap either.....I try but it never works;)
Love it! I've been a stay at home mom and a working full time mom, and either way, I don't get everything right. Great post.
You've still got your sense of humor, so you must be doing something right! : )
I have several friends who give me a big complex. One friend in particular has stuck to the strictest regimen for several years now. She gets up every morning at 4:30 or 5, works out at the gym for an hour and a half, comes home and showers, goes to work, comes home and cleans and cook, and is always in bed by 9 or 10. I, on the other hand, work, come home, TRY (being the operative word) to work out, do freelance, cook, sometimes don't have time to do dishes or laundry and am never in bed before midnight. I don't think I'm entirely competent at the whole "adult" thing fact I'm pretty confident I make a lousy adult.
But you, my dear, are clearly being humble. Something tells me you raise your son fabulously, make your husband love you more every day, and are growing that baby like a champ. Remember...I'm counting on you to write a parenting book!!
As I read this, I am in my pj's. And my house is a mess....LOL!
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