We decided to make these chocolate chip m&m cookies for Valentine’s Day. The thought of giant whoopie pie sized cookies for little mouths didn’t seem like a good idea so we made ours in mini muffin sized pans. It made exactly 6 dozen {2-3 bites sized} cookies. The only changes I made to the recipe were to add a full tablespoon of vanilla to the batter and I added a bag of mini chocolate chips right there at the end and just barely mixed them in. I filled the mini muffin tins with the chocolate chip dough and Finn counted out m&m’s to add to the top of each before baking. This was a great counting project and the cookies {baked for approximately 7-8 minutes} turned out perfectly.

drooling. and the mini muffin tin idea is genius.
These look and sound so good!!!!
Love the muffin tin idea!
Those turned out great! They look darling - the mini muffin pans worked great!
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