I know I said I’d be back on Tuesday, but really I am still recovering from our whirlwind six day Michigan vacation. This post is going to be the equivalent of sitting in my living room with a projector and slide show. So ummm, I won’t be offended if you leave. Go on then. Just leave. Sigh.
Still here? I like you. Would you like some popcorn or a stiff drink before we start?
Mackinac Bridge that my husband made me cross. I have a slight ‘thing’ about bridges, I have an even bigger ‘thing’ about making your wife break out in a cold sweat antsy and paying $7 to spend approximately 15 minutes in the Upper Peninsula before going back to the lower, but it made Dave happy.
I like making Dave happy since I am usually making him nuts. It’s a nice change of pace, isn’t it?
A little note about the large scary bridge? The guard rails are incredibly, freakishly low for a bridge that height. Trucks have a speed limit of 20 miles per hour because they can blow right off the bridge.
Blow. Right. OFF. The. Bridge.
And you wondered why I have a slight ‘thing’ about bridges?
I climbed approximately 5 million stairs to get to the top of Arch Rock on Mackinac Island and I was pretty sure that I was going to die, but it was beautiful and we laughed the whole way up.
The reason for the laughter? Riding bikes after fifteen years of not being on them, spending time with my BFF and her Marvin, and Finnegan telling Dave to bike faster as he was riding in the bike trailer.
Look at that water!
And the fudge. Oh the sweet sweet chocolatey fudge… there is a store on every corner and they have so many varieties it is mind numbingly delicious. My favorite? The white chocolate caramel + sea salt.
Up next are the photos from Petosky + Traverse City. Don’t worry, I’ll make you a drink for that one too. Maybe something with cherries.
Right after I sleep.
Vacation is fabulous, but so is sleeping in your very own bed.

Welcome back! I missed you. I love, love, love the picture of you hopping on a bike!! I think you look so happy! I'm glad you had a good trip. And I'm extra glad you didn't blow off that bridge.
I am so glad to hear I am not the only one with a thing for bridges...cold sweat every time. Looks like the trip was fun-- I would love to make it up there some day.
Looks like a wonderful vacation!
Totally understand the bridge thing. Trucks can blow off? I don't think I need to get on, thanks!! :)
Looks like fun! I have a thing about bridges as well. I pretty much crawled across the golden gate bridge (really embarrassing). I know Im tired this morning but I realized I was just sitting there staring at the fudge photo.
Mmmm...sea salt!!!
Glad you didn't fall off the bridge. Was it that cold that Finna had to wear a witer hat?? so glad it's still 100 degrees here...NOT.
when ian was 18 he worked on mackinac island and said little cars used to blow off the bridge in the winter...you'd think they would have fixed that by now. so glad you went to petoskey--hope you liked it as much as i did!!
Oh, the fudge there is sooooooo good! When B and I went to the island a few years ago, he saw Murdick's Fudge store, and thought the sign said "Muddick's." Of course, he thought that a fudge (packing) shop called "Muddick's" was the funniest thing ever.
Love this!
I'm actually FROM Traverse City and spent much of my childhood at Mackinac Island.
My 86 year old grandma just walked the bridge for the annual Labor Day walk.
Can't wait to see your TC pics...
White chocolate caramel + sea salt? I just forgot everything else you said there. Could there be a better combination? I doubt it.
I LOVE bridges!!
Congrats on making it across the bridge! Where did you get the uber adorable hat for your munchkin?!??
Thanks Lauren! The hat was a hand-me-down from his cousin Dylan. My sister thinks she found it at Walmart or Lands End.
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