I don’t know if you noticed, but I added a tab at the top so you could see the progression of my list with a little more ease. It seems as if lately, I’ve been ticking things off the list so I thought I’d give you a little update. I now have 35 things completed, another 15 in progress, and 51 to go! Do you want to help me out with #101 by creating a list of your own?
A visit to Mackinac Island #56.
Apple Picking #52
A Membership to the Toledo Museum of Art #20
Thanks to Groupon a Family Membership to the Toledo Museum of Art for $40! Getting a membership was #20 on my list, lots of our family are already members and it’s something we have been wanting to do for a long time, especially now that Finn {and maybe me too!} can take advantage of the art classes.
By the way, if you’re local, this deal runs until Sunday. I got ours for a whopping $20 after using my referral cash! We just got Groupon in our area a few months ago and already I’ve taken advantage of the awesome savings. They have a different deal most every day for local {and sometimes national} companies and services. If you’re a local business, you might want to check it out just for the sheer numbers of potential customer exposure you can gain. Even if you’re not local you can check it out, it’s likely that it exists in your area too. Go over and check it out.

You've done such a great job! I love checking those things off the list.
Oh my! How did I NOT know about this until now! I want to create my own list! I am going to work on it. Can't wait to make my plans!!!!
I'm totally inspired by this list. I am working on mine right now. I am a total list maker and this just makes me smile!!! BTW, I'm a friend of a friend or a friend, and I love your blog!
Hey - thanks for popping over to my blog and for your message. I have about 66 things on my list so far. I think mine might have to be a little longer than 101 days...because I am having surgery soon and because some of our things are involving a lot of money. I'm excited to get it done and start working on it. Here's the friend connection is think...my BF Katie and her sister Jennie are friends with Stacy...who I think may know you. I'm not positive that's it...but I think so.
I am impressed with your list! I really need to get busy with mine! Thanks for stopping by! Adding you to my Blog Roll! :)
I was in awe of your list, and even though it's mostly things that I want my husband to do, or it's things I want to get done around the house, I started a list last month...no where near 101 things, but it's a start. :o)
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