Apple Picking.

23 September 2010

We took off this weekend for some apple picking with friends.  There were goats and chickens to feed, friends to run with, apples to pluck off the tree and eat right there in the orchard, hayrides, and lots and lots of trekking through acres of trees.  We had a great time, and it is definitely on our list for next fall. 

If it isn’t something you’ve ever done, give it a try.  I know my friends who grew up in the country are rolling their eyes at me, but we never did things like that as a kid.  I think showing Finn where his food comes from will help him make healthy choices in the future.  In just an afternoon of fun, he pulled fruit from the tree, saw eggs that were laid from chickens, saw ears of popping corn, and touched growing pumpkins right in the field.

Do you go apple picking with your family?  Did you as a child?

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Anonymous said...

Two things:

1) I can't get over how big all the kiddos are getting! As if I already didn't feel old.

2) There were goats?!!? I missed out on goats?!!? Queue sad face :(

Samantha said...

I have never been apple picking even though there's an orchard on my way back to my hometown. We have been to the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin, go on a hayride, and see the animals. We're taking Miss Roxy for the first time this Saturday!

PS - Those kids are absolutely adorable!!!

Misc Momma said...

We've been taking our son for the past two years and I've been going to that very orchard all my life and am going there today! How funny. I've been going there since I was in kindergarten to see how cider was made. However, we've never actually picked apples! Today will be a first. We've just wandered around and bought pre-picked ones. Cider slush, here we come!


Alexis said...

Those are the kind of days kids will always remember! Great pictures, love the sunflowers on the tractor.

What are you gonna make with your apples?

Unknown said...

We go every year to pick apples and pumpkins. My kids LOVE it. It also has one great photo op after another! Love your pictures. Glad you had a great time!

Katie Olthoff said...

um, is your husband flipping off the camera? lol

2nd - SOOOO glad you're teaching your kids about where their food comes from!

Stacy Kaye said...

nice! We haven't done that but we have gone berry picking in the fields and we take Rusty to the pumpkin patch each year as well. Pretty fun stuff! I am already planning the cute, orange enhanced outfit he will wear to the pumpkin patch! :)

Anonymous said...

Nobody happened to notice the lovely man flipping off the camera in one of the pictures above.. what a nice family

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