Saturday, April 17th, it's my birthday. Yep, just a week from now, I will be a year older.
There will be lots of giving, but not to me.
To others.
Will you give me a gift & do a random {or not so random} act of kindness?
It's so easy. You can tell someone how they have changed your life or how much you love them. You can rake your neighbor's lawn or help them clean out their garden. You can have coffee with a friend or buy lunch for a stranger. You can leave change in a vending machine for someone else to find or pay the toll of the car behind you. You can tell someone how pretty they look or make a donation to your favorite organization. Help a family that has been in the news lately or send a letter of thanks to your favorite teacher. You can drop off flowers to a nursing home or take balloons to a hospital.
You can just start with a smile.
And I would love it if you would share it with me via email, or text, or blog, or a comment, or homing pigeon, or phone call, or facebook message, or fax, or smoke signal, or a telegram. I would even settle for morse code as long as someone can translate the dots and dashes for me.
I am doing thirty-four of them, one for each year I have been here. I couldn't be more excited.
And then we are going to celebrate with a party because let's face it, I have the
Robyn, the brains behind Mix Mingle Glow, brought the inspiration. For that, I am extremely thankful.
Where do you come in?
Aside from the hope that you will do a random act of kindness for someone else, one of you will be the recipient of the first act of kindness I get to deliver Saturday morning when this all begins.
Let me tell you, thanks to some fabulous women, this first gift I get to give is going to be so much fun. Becki at Whippy Cake has whipped up a little something. Meg at Green Leaf Boutique has come up with a bauble or two to share with you. And a jar of Vanilla Bean Sea Salt of your very own so you can make some Sea Salt Chocolate Covered Oreos and see what all of the fuss is about. Many, many more fun things are just awaiting the recipient of this box. I am so excited to send this out I can hardly stand it. I can't tell you any more because birthday gifts should be a surprise, right? More than $100 worth of the most fun things are wrapped up and ready for your house.
It shall henceforth be refered to as the Big Ass Box of Fun Stuff.
So, how do you make sure it's your name I announce Saturday morning?
Leave a comment. That's all. You can introduce yourself, or tell me a joke, or tell me what random act of kindness you're going to do this week. You can recite a poem, or tell me your favorite item from Whippy Cake or Green Leaf Boutique, or tell me how you heard about my blog. Anything will do and anyone may enter, even if this is your first visit here. You have until 11:59 pm on Friday, April 16.
I will even throw in two bonus entries. If you blog this, or put it on your Facebook page, or tweet it, or simply email it to your friends you can get one additional entry. For another, subscribe to {So Wonderful, So Marvelous} via RSS or email.... look over there in my sidebar and just click. Be sure to leave a second {or third} separate comment telling me what you did & a link.
So there you have it. Stop back on Saturday morning to see who the Big Ass Box of Fun Stuff will be going home with and stories of what acts of kindness people are spreading.
I hope you'll join me in doing something wonderful for someone else this week.
It's amazing what a little kindness can do.
{Full disclosure, I did not receive any product or payment in exchange for these goodies, they were given for me to pass along to someone special when they heard about this project. Because they are awesome.}

This is such a great idea--i can't wait to help you celebrate! Jack has been a one-man collecting fool of pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. We plan on taking the hundreds (possible thousand...) of pop tabs that he has been collecting to the RM house. What better weekend to do it! Thank you so much for your inspirations. I can't wait to hear all about your day at your evening celebration :) thanks for the invite!!
heres a little diddy i created in your honor, i better be entered in the drawing!
Oh my dear Shelley,
evn though you're often quite smelly
i still love you most days
but you really could use some scented spays
your husband and i are oh so in love
for christmas last year he got me a turtle dove
i know you're jealous but don't you fret
i'm secretly still holding out for josh hartnett
bring on the acts of kindness
how impressed are you with my rhymingness?
i'm proud of how you show you really care
in honor of the day, i may even brush my hair
i'm seriously obsessed with your kid
my teacher is excited to see the vid
you better make it good so i get an A
toodles, have a splendid day!
I will be delighted to perform an act of kindness in your honor. What a perfectly wonderful way to celebrate your birthday!! You rock!
I really, really would love the Big Ass Box. I think I would adore B.A.B. (yes, I have a cutesy nickname for it now) more than I adore my own child (well, at least on a non-napping day). {sarcasm}
BUT...I am lucky enough to be the recipient of your kindness on the other 364 days of the year and I'm much happier with that than I would be with any Big Ass Box.
And besides, if anyone deserves it, I think it should be Elise with that kick-ass poem...very impressive. She deserves 10 entries for that talent. :)
I did a random act of kindness yesterday, without even thinking about it. I paid for my SIL's lunch when we went out of town. It made me happy that I could do something without even needing something in return.
And as for how I came across your blog, I am friends with your Blog BFF, Ashley. I graduated high school with her hubby!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's cool meeting new peeps. And apparently...I might even win a Big Ass Box. Fabulous!
Hi, I am stopping by from the blog party, thanks for visiting me and commenting :) I too am very excited for my girl, we don't have any pets but I bet if they were, they'd be boys LOL.
I also like random acts of kindness, I did a random and annonyamous (sp?) act of kindness today, I bought 18 cases of Pediasure and gave them to a family whose child was in need, but financially unable. It really made my day when I heard how happy they were!
The big ass box is so awesome! I am ready to win!!:)
I subscribed, too.
I think I should win so you can save on postage and just walk the box to my house. That'll be my act of kindness to you. :-p
I have subscribed your blog via email, for another entry at the Big Ass Box! :)
Hey I tweeted about the giveaway,
Oh, and I wrote a blog post about how freaking awesome you are.
Well, I am super honored to have inspired this great big fun celebration of Y-O-U. I am super excited about the MANY people who will be affected, inspired and touched by this event. And I am SUPER jealous of anyone who wins that B.A.B.O.F.S.! Not sure if I qualify, but I'm gonna try! Love to you sweet Michelle...we are forever connected somehow by our mutual RAOK Bday celebrations! xoxo
I found you because you found me on the UBP10! And you said my post was awesome so I had to come on over!
I found your blog a while ago from MomDot and have been a follower ever since!
This is such an awesome idea! I am going to try to do at least one random act of kindness this week - even if its only a compliment to the chick at work I don't like that much :)
I hope the next week is a great one in preparation for your birthday and that next Saturday is an awesome day for you!!
I have blogged about RAK's in the past. I am a FIRM believer of doing something each and every day. Whether it's paying for the coffee for the person next to you in line, to holding the door open for someone, smiling and wishing them a great day.
Yesterday (Saturday) I helped our mailman by bringing up some boxes to leave at my next door neighbor's condo. The mailman had several boxes (how he balanced them I'll never know). I had met him downstairs (we live in a condo building) to get my mail and I saw he had a box for my next door neighbor up on the top floor. I asked him if he wanted me to take it up with me. He said it would be a great help if I could, so I did. It saved him a trip (three flights of steps) with the mail and other packages he had to deliver.
I try and teach my kids to do RAK's every day too.
Big or small I make a concious effort to do at least one per day (more if I can of course!).
Great post!!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too. ♥
It's not like I really NEED the box, but the competitive side of me just can't help it...posted a link to fb...!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=619111508...mainly just because I want people to know how awesome you are!
And...if I do happen to win the box, then I'm starting my own giveaway because you already know my opinion--there's way too much good shit in the box to NOT spread around. :)
Stephanie gets the salt.
Great idea! Well, I think I will buy the person behind me at Starbucks a cup of coffee.
Hugs and Mocha,
I love this idea. I've been trying to give more this month but I needed the reminder to refocus some. So thanks.
Sounds like a fabulous day will be had!!! Cannot wait to hear about it and I really hope that my goodies will be helpful to you!
I posted a link to FB...commented on it {a few times} Your in my reader. That should gain me around say...4 bonuses. Amy wants me to go to the zoo bird house...she says to get a homing pigeon for extra entries but i think she may be a voyeur????
So I will share a RAOK that I did while in FLA last week...we were on a very busy highway and I pulled up to a red light behind some large Pontiac which had a bunch of war hats in the back window (and a McCain sticker) and his gas cap was unscrewed and hanging. The man in the car next to aformentioned car kept honking to no avail...sooooo I put the car in park and in a towel and bathing suit got out of my rental, ran up the lane of a 4 lane hwy and closed it. Meanwhile my mother is screamimg at me asking me what the hell I was doing/thinking. I just figured the elderly, deaf, republican vet needed me...<3 ya
amy said i get the salt if she wins...just sayin, and we are totally sharing the whippycake...14 days on 14 days off...
Thanks for stopping by my blog...nice to "meet" you :)
Enjoy the rest of the party!
Hey Michelle. That's my middle name. Thanks for the comment on my Old Navy post. Did you find me through the Blog Party? Or no? Anyway, thanks again :)
Proud of you Michelle! And since we met almost 34 years ago this coming week I definitely think that qualifies me an entry! Love ya!
my assa is here LOl leAVing a comment....I am such a bad bloggy were my inspiration of/for 29 days of...I just havent been able to blog rock girlie!!!
Hi! I love that you're doing this!
You are absolutely amazing and I love your crazy, big, giving, loveable heart of yours :)
I have given away my two tickets to WICKED for this Saturday night to my lovely sister and to her friend whom loves Plays/Musicals but could not afford tickets to go and was trying desperately to win them.
I will be back to post the other badass random acts of kindness that I do this week.
I love your concept of giving to others for your birthday. I messaged you about what I did for my random act. And if you pick my name and show up at my house that would be awesome since I don't live in Toledo!
I think this is the most awesome thing EVER!!!! Cole and I are really excited to come help you Saturday!!!!
Oh and please let us know if we can donate anything to the cause!!!
ooohh! enter me please? my RAK is that i am covering a shift for a co-worker of mine tomorrow, even though i *really* already had plans....cause she is going through a rough patch in life right now and needs the break.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Not sure how you found me but I'm glad I found you!
My random acts of kindness were to make cupcakes and share with friends. And I also attempted to make peace with a snarky relative because family is all we've got. The week is not done yet and despite being a rough one already, hopefully I'll come up with some other RAOK.
Great idea!! I ♥ Random acts of kindness!!
I found you through Sugarbritches!
I posted a link on my blog!
I'm only commenting if the gift package will be delivered IN PERSON by you! :)
What a great idea! Someone showed me a random act earlier this week. Now I have to think of a way to reciprocate. Visiting you from the UBP.
I tweeted this giveaway:
I found your blog on WFMW. Tonight I decided to buy dinner for my mom at Costco to be nice. She is always doing such great things for our family. Fresh pasta, fresh alfredo, great garlic bread and ceasar salad! Fabulous dinner. Oh and Santa Cruz organic sparkling lemonade.
Lalalala here I am! Are you happy now? I luvs you so very much!
2nd entry caused I blogged and you know it!
3rd entry cause I can.
I am seriously so excited about Saturday!! And BONUS my house will smell like cookies long after I've delivered/sent them all! Kindness truly does pay lol! YAY!!!
Hey, Michelle. So excited for your day tomorrow! I am going to the SICU at St. Joe's Hospital where my father-in-law has currently been in a coma for 3 weeks and taking cookies and treats to the nurses. They are an awesome and inspiring bunch of men and women.
okay so i had to enter! ha! if i happen to be the lucky winner you can give the earrings away. and for a rak, i brought muffins to my son's peds for his one year check up--it was totally out of my comfort zone to do something 'mommish' like that, but it was fun and they loved them (or pretended to) :)
Hands. down. you rock m....I am wicked excited about getting to spend your bday with you & ALL the other FAB peeps joining in - doing AMAZING things... :)
Happy Birthday (early)sweets!!
i'm already a follower...but i did post about you on FB!!/photo.php?pid=1157346&id=1093447572
So I didn't save the world or anything, but one of my very best friends Catherine (is turning 19) and we're very excited! It hasn't been the best year for her (I'll leave out the details as its her family and story to tell.) but out other friends and I have planned her the BEST birthday bash ever its a 1950's Prom theme and she doesn't even know! It doesn't happen until April 16 around 5ish (its still a surprise) but if you head over to my blog you can see all our ideas and the final product after that!
I find this idea AMAZING! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Yesterday, I realized that what was second nature to an former classmate (40 years ago) was much more to me. You can read about HER random act of kindness here: And to honor her kindness and to celebrate YOUR birthday, Michelle, I will make sure I tell at least one person each day this week what they mean to me and how grateful I am to have them in my life. AND, if you don't mind (I know you won't), I'm borrowing this idea for my birthday in June. Thank you. And Happy Birthday!!
well first of all nice to meet you I am Lisa from wasabi mommy and I found you from 504 main I love holly. Happy Birthday, I enjoyed you post, you seem like you have a great sense of humor. I love prizes so I am a follower now and I will blog about this great birthday surprise, I am turning 42 in May maybe I should do a give away LOL
I do a lot of random acts of kindness a lot but yesterday I drove over the bridge and went in the pay line ( I have ezpass) and I payed for me and the person behind me, but I will keep doing more but WOW 30 in a week you go girl
Well, I posted the link to your fabulous blog on my facebook page, emailed everyone in my address book a link to your blog challenging them to do random acts of kindness, not just this week but every now and then.
I am going to Fire Station 24 in the Point (WOOT!) on Wednesday the 21st to drop some goodies off to the firemen there...I contacted them and asked when would be a good day to stop by and they said next Wednesday and also asked where they like to eat or if there was anything they needed.
TODAY: I brought in a little goodie bag filled with some badass gifts to brighten her day :)
I posted you on FB, check out my page! I am also taking a huge donation to the Cobb Pregnancy Centers. They were there for me when I found out I was pregnant and help hundreds of women in Marietta everyday with their pregnancies. I am donating clothes, toiletries, blankets, crib sheets, etc. I also subscribe to you bloggy so that should be three entries for me! **Remember I just bought a new house that could totally use the BIG ASS BOX of STUFF! But more importantly, I really enjoyed giving back!
Hello there! This is such a GREAT idea! I'm always so much happier when I do things for others, but sometimes find myself forgetting to do so. I'm so glad I was directed to your blog from Holly at 504 Main! YAY!
New follower!
alrighty then....posting again because i am one of your *awesome* followers ;)
OK, I tried to just be kind and spread the word about your RAOK but in the end I'm greedy when it comes to a chance at free yumminess! I posted a link to your blog on both of my mommy boards, and on FB. The girls are super excited to try and tag along with your journey tomorrow! You rock lady, I'm so proud and thankful to call you my friend!!!
ok you and like 37 people on facebook keep reminding me to enter. so I'm entering. PS. miss you!!
i hope you have a great day tomorrow!!! i "know" you from your friend Noelle (we're on together). I'll definetly do some raok's in your honor tomorrow!
I subscribe! OF COURSE...LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!
I am here to wish you a Happy Birthday! I will try to be nice to everyone tomorrow!
I found you from Holly's tickled pink! First of all Happy birthday! My act of kindness is telling my (12 y/o) daughter how proud I am of her for toughing out school this week--she has been having friend issues--I was really pleased with her good attitude. My other daughter also got lots of praise for getting an a+ on a math test! WOot. Both got a present too.
Hi! Thank you for inspiring me, I had such a wonderful morning this morning with my best friend all because of you. Last night I read your blog and I couldn't fall asleep because I was trying to think of a great random act of kindness to do for a stranger. I'd like to write a blog about my experience, tell our readers about you & include the download to your Scribd download if that's ok with you! See how I used them here!! Hope you're having a fabulous birthday, thank you again for reminding me how joyous it is to give. . .
Courtney, that is absolutely FABULOUS! Shoot me an email please!
I love this BLOG. It inspired me to get off my patootie and volunteer at my child's school again. To quit making excuses! So, I will do my parental and civic duty by slaving for the teacher. Also bringing ice cream for the studious, hardworking, third grade SOL test takers because let me tell you all....that is some HARD WORK! And by bringing a large latte and pastry for a patient, hardworking, caring, sprinting, multitasking teaher. If I do win, I will probably give it to said teacher.....because what piddly little bit I do is nothing and I do mean nothing, compared to what this teacher does....3/4 of her class has ADHD and one autistic child. This is a regular third grade class.
I love the random act of kindness thing! I'll be trying to think of things to do for that :)
Tonight i said hello to the old man who comes by every day on his walker. He stopped, turned and got the biggest smile on his face. We talked for a few minutes and then he told me i was the first person to speak to him in a very long time. He said he is 72 years old and that people just pass him by. He thanked me for being kind. Wow, a random act of kindness when i didn't even know it was happening! peace...Brenda
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