First, you get over to visit Bridget at Bake at 350, read her tutorial and make yourself a batch of her royal icing. And go for the good stuff, use the merengue powder from Williams-Sonoma. The Wilton stuff is really not near as good. OK, so make that batch of royal icing, you can halve it for today's purpose OR you can make some cookies to use up the stuff that you have left over. I'll leave that up to you to decide.
Once your icing is made you dye it red {LOVE the Americolor red, thanks Steph!}, green, and yellow. Thin it slightly with some water once the color you love is achieved. Now... this isn't as thin as flood icing, I added just enough to make it a really thick pancake batter consistency. Let it sit a minute, pop the bubbles just like Bridget tells you to & pour it into squeeze containers. I like to put the cap on and turn upside down in a drinking glass so I'm not contstantly shaking the icing to the top.
So once the lights are dry completely, you go out and buy a sheet of Rice Krispie treats because those are best left to the pros AND the sheet is perfect for cutting into exact, wonderful square shapes. And if you are anything like me, you'll take the easy way out.
Then you take your perfect shape and dip just the face edge in melted chocolate. Use an offset spatula {or any knife will do} to smooth the chocolate.
Then you pop the red, yellow, & green royal icing lights onto the wet chocolate & allow to set. The best part for me? Aside from eating them, because yum, they stand up! It was perfect for displaying.
There you have it, Stop Light Rice Krispie Treats!
PS How much trouble do you think I'll get in for taking a camera with me?
Updated: Linking to: Made By You Mondays, Works for Me Wednesday

CUTE! But I would have used M&Ms instead of icing. :)
Amy, the m&ms would have been too small. These are more like the size of a nickle or in between a nickle & quarter.
Awesome! When I first saw the pic I thought you used M&M's...just sayin. Your badass mind never ceases to amaze me :)
You could always make small stop light rice crispy treats and then the m&m's would look proportional....I'm just sayin' lol They are WAY too adorable though Michelle!!
NO WAY! What a cute idea! I thought the lights were M&M's too... but what a fabulous idea. This is great for all the little boys out there who love cars and trucks!! Thanks for sharing!
I thought they were M&Ms at first too... they just look smaller in the pics than IRL I guess! Cute anyway!
Just had a thought that these will be an AMAZING treat after safety city graduation (yeah I know if a few years away but whateves) and lets face it I'm already planning on making these when Belle gets her
yeah again with the yummy chocolate finds ;)
thanks for this great easy recipe and perfect pictures
I cam over to see what other goodies you had from Can I link to you for my belated monday mommy yummy? email me at christyhayhurst at hotmail dot com
A big thank you Michelle, my son is having a Cars Birthday party on Sunday and I have like a fuel (fool) decided that 35-45 children will be a great number of kids to have. (I work as a party organiser and host for a childrens centre, so have a little inside knowledge) I have made pit crew passes, colouring books, drinking straw decorations and my own party bags, now seeing loads of cake ideas on net, Sammy has decided he would like a piston cup cake, not alaying down one, a stand up one, HELP!!!!!!!!
Hi! I just adore this party. i am doing the same theme for my sons party, and I printed out all the free sinage...thank You! I was wondering about the smaller signs/labels you have on the drinks and the stop lights label. Did you print those out as well?
Thank you.
Hi Anon,
I don't have the smaller ones, they were just labels that I made and printed.
My kids have made this snack before, but I was unable to find any pictures from it. I am blogging about a bunch of snacktivities I love to do with my kids and was wondering if I could us your picture in the blog post? Let me know.
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