I can not thank each and every one of you enough. Whether you have done something sweet for someone else, or passed it on so others can do something sweet, or simply read {So Wonderful, So Marvelous} daily. Thank you. I would love to send a Big Ass Box of Fun Stuff home with each of you.
At midnight, there were 64 entries for the giveaway, but it can only go home with one of you and that person is...
Girls, please get your addresses to me so I can ship these to you! Congrats!
I would like to thank Meg at Green Leaf Boutique {with this big ass box of fun stuff, I might add} and Becki of Whippy Cake and my friend Stephanie for helping me with items to include. Please go visit these girls, they have incredible taste and mad skills! I will be sporting my special Whippy Cake design during my random acts of kindness although my sister Elise has already tried to steal it.
And a special thank you to Holly of 504 Main for the feature on Friday. She is also having a birthday today {because all the cool kids were born April 17} so get over there and wish her a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY please!
And DO something nice today!

Yay!!! Woohoo!!! I don't think I've ever been so excited and so thankful!!!...Anxiously awaiting the Big Ass Box...and I promise to keep the giving going :) Thanks Michelle and Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Dang, I missed it. Congrats on all the entries!
Hope you had a HAPPY Birthday! I wanted you to know that though I didn't enter I did do a RAK in your honor. Cleaned out my closets which resulted in 9 large black garbage bags FULL of clothes and bed linens delivered to a very needy family (friend of a friend) with 5 kids. They thought it was Christmas!
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