It was 97 degrees on Tuesday. We set a record. For the RECORD, I want them note that is too damn hot for me right there in the Farmer’s Almanac.
This morning we woke up and it was 52 degrees.
Clearly Mother Nature has lost her mind.
What was my point? Oh yes, so this morning we were driving to school talking about how it feels like fall weather. Apparently the word fall must have triggered something because, Finn then tells our neighbor friends about the time that Dave jumped a fence. I started laughing because it is a ridiculous story and now that he’s all healed up it makes me laugh even more.
Finn: Once my dad broke both his arms jumping a fence!
Oldest Neighbor: Oh, when he was a kid?
Me: No, last summer.
Oldest Neighbor: WHY did he do that?
Me: Because he does dumb stuff. Trust me, you don’t want to jump fences. I think he learned his lesson.
Finn: Yeah. He had a cast.
Youngest Neighbor: Whoa.
Only my Davester.
Happy Friday 13th! Has the fall weather settled in at your house too?

Mother Nature is drunk and needs to go home.
And that is STILL one of my most favorite Davester stories.
Clearly Mother Nature is menopausal. And crazy. And she needs a good smack back into reality that it's September. Not June! Not October! I don't know about you out there in O-H-I-O, but we've had some serious thunderstorms the last 2 days. Hail and such. Maybe she thinks it's winter and needs to send some ice?!?! Ugh... she needs laid!
Mother Nature is clearly drunk and menopausal. She's been a right old crab around here. Last week, it was in the upper-80s/low-90s and we live in the San Francisco Bay Area on the peninsula where it doesn't get above 78 for most of the year. This year, it's been up-down-up-down-up-down and we're actually considering putting central air in (we've been talking about it since we bought our house in February). This week, a normal, fall-like 74...almost every day this week. ::sigh::
Go home Mother Nature, you're drunk and crabby.
Omg I love Finny!!!
She's definitely confused. I left gray and rainy Seattle, which for the record has had a phenomenal summer, though just had terrible thunderstorms followed up by record heat in the 90's all in a few days' time. I moved here, where it's sunny all the time and it's been gray for two days with evening rain. Confused, I tell you.
So funny that he was telling that story! Awesome. :)
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