Finnisms, the toothless edition. Lost while eating toast.
Finn: The windmill just broke.
Me: That’s the windshield wiper and it’s not broken.
Finn: It’s a windmill, trust me.
My dress went aloft again, this time in the parking lot of Fresh Market.
You should not wear dresses in the summer Mom. Now, I think you’ve learned your lesson. You need to check the weather forecast to see if it is windy first.
Midway through the Phantom Menace, his first Star Wars movie:
So mom… the same person who plays Grover, plays Yoda?
Finn: Tate! In thirty years you'll be a parent. Then you can say that.
Me: Maybe you will be a parent. Tate, will you be a mama?
Tate: You mama and Mi - chelle.
Me: That's right. And maybe Finn, you'll want to be a dad in thirty years.
Finn: I'll be a grandparent.
Me: In thirty years, you'll be my age Finn! I hope you’re not a grandparent at my age!
Finn: But, I'm older than her.
Me: What started this conversation anyway?
Finn: She told ME to calm down! She's telling me what to do, but she's not the mom.

Grover and yoda! Lol
Meg, they DO sound remarkably similar!
"Trust me" - don't you love how absolutely sure of themselves they are?
I think it is weird to think of us (class of '94) being grandparents but there are a few of us out that are... I am starting to date a guy we graduated with and he has 4 grandkids (age 6 yrs, 3 yrs, 5 month old, and 3 month old) and I know of 2 others that have grandbabies... It is kind of scary really but reality.. I mean I have a 19 year old so grandparent could be a few years down the road.
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