Remember folding notes when you were twelve? All of my girlfriends are going to be getting folded note snail mail.
When will we forget? How much of this list do you remember?
Dave and I laughed through this entire video entitled, Mr Wizard is a D*ck. Ahhhh Mr Wizard, good times.
Which led to Angry Scottish People Saying Real Words Maybe.
Finally, this is how I feel about you guys.

This made me smile!!!! I'm a science nerd and used to love to watch Mr. Wizard. But looking back, he was quite a dick!! HA HA
And the thrill of passing notes and not getting caught. Trying to come up with new and different ways to fold them. Ahhh, the good old days.
Remember MASH and all the other good stuff???
I remember passing notes! I tried so hard not to get caught and I don't think I ever did. But I sure can't remember what we wrote on those notes.
And the xkcd comic? Kind of scary how quickly things pass us by and people gettin' born and not knowing about things.
Love the note!
I saw this book yesterday at the book store. SO CUTE!
Wonder if you can still play "MASH" with it?
I better be getting one of those notes at my new house:) I will send the address soon. And many many times did we get caught posting notes....even that year when we hated each other!
I love Mr. Wizard! Do you remember You Can't Do That on Television?
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