*OK, they aren’t technically at 20 until October, but we’re counting it as 20!
The Davester and I have the seven year itch. That’s right. SEVEN years of wedded bliss. {Total lie, marriage is hard work, yo.} While we’re celebrating our anniversary this week, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to share some words on marriage.
I can’t remember if I found Ally from Just a Normal Mom or if Ally found me first, but I’ve been reading her for years. {Her bestie also used to blog with her.} I love reading bloggers who have teenagers because it is such a different perspective than the thousands of mommy bloggers who have little ones at home. {She is also very careful to respect his privacy and is still able to share great stories.}
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
A: He liked me first, but I wasn’t interested in dating him. He kept up the flirting for about 9 months and I finally gave in and let him cook me dinner. That was it, I never looked back! He proposed on the one year anniversary of when we started dating and we were married 10 months later.
D: “22 years. I liked you first. I was in love with you the moment I saw you.”
A: Aw, how cute is he?
What has being married taught you?
A: I can still be me, and yet be “us”. Together, we are better than apart.
D: “How wonderful life is when you’re in my world”
A: Seriously, that was his answer. Gotta love this guy.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
A: Spending three days alone in Hana, Maui - the first time just the two of us had been to Hawaii alone since our son was born. Pure relaxation in paradise.
D: “Hawaiian vacations.”
A: See, we think alike! For the record, we met in while both living separately in Hawaii, so going back is pretty special for us.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
A: “We don’t really argue or fight. Sure, we have ‘debates’, but nothing too crazy. Oh, I’m still a girl, I still PMS, so there are times, but we talk nearly everything through. There’s no way I could go to bed angry. My brain would never shut down and allow me to sleep.”
D: “We never have issues and we never go to bed angry. Rarely.”
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
A: Knowing how to compromise. Knowing how to bring out and appreciate the best in each other. Knowing how let each other’s good sides shine. Talking, talking, talking. And of course, knowing when to shut up!
D: “Compatability.”
A: Yeah, that’s what I said! :)A big thank you to Michelle for having us here - Happy Anniversary to you and Dave!

Great post, Ally! Your secret to a happy marriage is PERFECT!
These were the best, hands down. I seriously started to cry a bit when he quoted Elton John. Ugh - SO SWEET!
My husband and I don't go to bed angry either. He falls asleep on the couch every night and I'm up till all hours of the night, so our marriage is pretty perfect. Now if we could throw in a trip to Hawaii...hmmmm...
Great post Ally! I love how insync you and D were during this Q&A.
You two sound like such a good match. Glad he kept flirting with you in the beginning and won you over!
Aw, thanks gals. Megan - I know, right? Even took me by surprise :)
I love it!!! I've been wanting to do a Vlog with Irishman...maybe I will use some of these questions. We for sure have an interesting story of how we met!
I loved this. Sweet and romantic. Thanks for sharing Ally and hubs.
And Congrats Michelle and Dave!
Aren't they the cutest. And happy seven year itch to you two!
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