I don’t remember if I have ever told you guys this, but when Dave and I went to Ireland for our honeymoon, I tried coleslaw for the first time.
I was 29 years old.
Then, I proceeded to eat coleslaw twice a day for the rest of the trip.
I know, right?
I think it was because I didn’t like sauerkraut and I thought coleslaw was mayonnaise-y or something. Or because I get something in my head and I am an idiot? Anyway, once I pulled my head out of my ass, I’ve discovered a serious love for cabbage in all of its forms.
This is my favorite version of sautéed red cabbage. We choose to cook it outside on the side burner of the grill so our house doesn’t smell like a carnie for two days. It is simple, and takes just 20 minutes to make.
You will need:
- A bag of red cabbage
- 2 TB bacon grease, you can substitute olive oil if you don’t save bacon grease in the fridge, but I think the bacon grease gives it a little flavor
- salt + spices + red pepper flakes, to taste. I like to use spice blends {this time it was Kick’N Chicken}
- 1/2 to 3/4 red onion, chopped
- 1.5 T of balsamic vinegar, you can substitute apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar
- 1.5 T of butter
- 1.5 T of applesauce
First, heat up the bacon grease on medium high. Add your chopped red onion and sauté until you cook the raw out, about 3-5 minutes.
Add the bag of red cabbage, salt, and spices.
Cook down until the cabbage is crisp done, about 10 –12 minutes. {This means it is cooked through so it doesn’t taste raw, but it still has a little bite to it. Don’t overcook.} Then, add in the vinegar, butter, and applesauce. Stir in, and cook another 1 –2 minutes, until everything is incorporated.
Serve with grilled pork chops for a great summer meal. It also reheats surprisingly well.

I have to try this. I am obsessed with red cabbage and I have loved it since I was a little kid. I only recently got into the sour stuff... jury is still half out on it. But red cabbage and I go way back.
P.S. I absolutely love Kickin' Chicken! Which reminds me we are out I totally need to get more. I buy it at SAM'S in a huge grinder, yes I like it and use it that much.
I am going to have to try this. There is a cabbage recipe I got from The Chew that I love!!!!
So, do you or do you not like sauerkraut?? This may be the final straw in our friendship!!! Don't forget you tried to disown me over black jelly beans!!! :o)
I DO NOT like the kraut. Ick. Except a tiny bit mixed into mashed potatoes on January 1 for my inlaw's good luck dinner.
That looks good to me!
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