Someone ‘like’ me please! I mean, there is something in it for you, besides my daily astounding wit… but really, isn’t that a gift itself?
I’m doing a giveaway at 600.
Tell me… if you were giving away a big ass box of summer fun, what would be in it? It might just have your name on it!

Summer means iced coffee to me. :)
Yay Summer Fun! I just noticed you're up to 604!!! Congrats!
Mmm favorite summer things - I love the Ice Coffee answer above but summer also means fun in the sun to me so I'd say some fun SPF products and or fun stuff to protect your hair. :)
Starbucks, a good book, an awesome lip gloss. Um, what else. Some days off work?
Nothing says summer like a good cocktail - a gin & tonic, a good daiquiri, something melon-y. Summer also makes me think of flip flops, family picnics, being poolside and the park.
I'd say send some sunscreen, maybe a couple cheap drink cups like you can get in the outdoor section of target along with some recipes of your favorite drink mixes, maybe some bubbles (nothing takes me back to being a kid like swinging & bubbles), water balloons or those squishy water bomb balls or even a beach towel. As you can tell, I have spent a few minutes at 5 below looking at all the fun summer stuff!!!!
Congrats on 600 :)
I would have to agree with Jess....a good book for sure:)And Yay....your at 605!
Do it yourself pedi or a spa gift card.
Yay you are up to 609... You are the best blogger I know... Some out there really shouldn't blog.... YOU ROCK!!!! Summer means sun fun so anything for the outside.
Popsicle molds!
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