7 Pounds 10 Ounces.

29 June 2011
To say that we're all in love would be a mild understatement.  And she still doesn't have a name. 


Jill said...

Oh my. Congratulations. She's beautiful.

Tricia said...

She is so beautiful! I am so happy for you!!!

AnnMarie said...

She already makes me smile and tear up at the same time....my heart is oozing with love for all of you!!

Samantha said...

She is so beautiful! Precious picture :) Good luck on the naming.


Melissa {TheScarletCardinal} said...

Awww! I just want to pinch those cheeks! You will come up with the perfect name soon. Congrats!

Katie O. said...

Congrats!!! She's beautiful! Can't wait to hear what you decide to name her! :o)

Anonymous said...

Sooooo precious! Can't wait to hear what you decide on her name.

Misty said...

She is gorgeous! I wish I could kiss those cheeks (sorry if that seems creepy since you don't know me;). Congratulations

Meg said...

She is perfect!!! So happy for the whole So Wonderful, So Marvelous family :)))

Belinda said...

What a sweetheart! Beautiful baby girl!!

Lisa said...

Ahhh, congrats Michelle!!! What a beautiful baby girl. :)

Bunny @ 86n It said...

Love Love Love her!!!

michele said...

she is *perfect* michelle. congrats and good luck with the name, nathan and i got in an argument at the hospital because we couldn't agree on a name and i refused to leave the hospital before sam had one LOL have fun bonding with your new little bundle!!

Jennie said...

Congrats, Michelle! She's beautiful.

Unknown said...

She is Beautiful!!! Congratulations.

MommyLisa said...

OMG - she is soooooooo cute. I am all teary-eyed. No joking. Michelle you did AWESOME as usual.

Meg @ House Notes said...

Squeal!! She is absolutely, completely and totally perfect. So beautiful! She takes after her mother!

Anonymous said...

She is just SWEETNESS!!!!! I think if you have not decided on a name before she is born, then the mama gets to name her..... how can your husband disagree with you at this point? Go for it, name her what you want!!!!! Enjoy you new bundle of joy!

Yostee said...

Congratulations Michelle!!! Hope everything went very smoothly for you! She is gorgeous!!! Enjoy all the time with your new little girl. I hope you get to have amazing moments watching Finn with her as I did with my son & daughter. <3

Shannon said...

Awwwwwww, she's beautiful!!!! Congratulations!!!

Sara said...

Congratulations! She's perfect.

Sharyn said...

Gorgeous! Beautiful complexion, beautiful lips, beautiful dimples. I'm sure she's very smart, too.

Sonya said...

Congrats! She's a doll! Can't wait to hear her name!

erika said...

Oh, Michelle! She is just breathtaking. Whatever her name is, I know it's a beautiful one.

Unknown said...

So precious!!!!Congrats to you and your family;)

Just A Normal Mom said...

She's perfect. Congratulations!

Alexis said...

Woo Hoo! She is gorgeous :)

tiffany said...

congrats - she is perfect and sweet and precious. xoxo

the cape on the corner said...

so super cute! name that child already!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Oh my, congratulations! She is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Somehow I totally missed this...Congratulations, Michelle! She's so wonderful and just gorgeous. I'm so happy for you guys!

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