Dave and I were talking about it a few days ago because he rarely comments on my blog, but subscribes to the RSS, catches up every day & talks to me about it at home. He has been a pretty big supporter of the blog and lets me talk about amusing things at his expense. He even told me to go for it back in August when I contemplated taking the blog from private to public. I'm sure that he feels that supporting me in something I love is a good thing and would do that whether it's blogging or something else. Plus, it helps that he's a fancy pants programmer and can help me with stuff I break. Which, ummm, never happens here.
I think though, having said all that, that I'm intrigued at the anonymity some bloggers are able to maintain. I could see myself not sharing my blog with people I am dating casually. I could also see spouses that aren't tech savvy "not getting it" or just not being into it.
So, I'm curious. I don't think there is any right or wrong answer here. Is your blog something you share with your special person? Is it something you keep to yourself?

my other half reads my blog....cause he gets an e-mail notification every time i post a new one. he is *so* not tech savvy, wouldn't know how to subscribe to it, wouldn't check his blogger account even if i subscribed to it *for* him....so that just works for us. i find it keeps him in the loop....since often times some of the mundane things i write about that happen with the kids during the day might not be at the top of my mind still when we finally see each other that night.
B knows I have one because I have it saved in my favorites as "My Blog," but I never told him about it, he doesn't read it, and he doesn't ask questions about it. He's not into the whole blogging thing AT ALL.
SUMS does not read my blog. In fact he prefers to pretend that I don't even have a blog. And if he happens to glimpse it on my screen, he will freak out if there should be anything on there pertaining to him. He's a paranoid sort.
Marvin reads my blog (when I write on it that is), comments on occasion but overall is supportive and encouraging. I'm pretty sure he wishes I would spend more time with it and really give it a go.
He encouraged me to start and he patiently lets me read some posts to him... and has read a few when I asked, but I don't think he reads it on his own...ever. When I asked him why once, he said it would feel like "reading my journal" and besides he gets to "live" the life I blog about.. he feels little need to re-live it through my eyes... That being said, he did get teased a little at church last night about my "Not Me Monday" post about his lack of romance on Valentine's Day... When we got home, I read it to him and he said... "That's only your side of the story!" ...I told him to start his own blog...
Rebecca, that is hilarious!
My fiance will read the posts a few days later, unless I ask him to look at one right away. Otherwise, he really isn't involved. I think he finds it impressive how long I've stuck with it, and how many followers I have now. He does get annoyed by how long I spend on the laptop, though!
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