I am in serious need of some new reading material. Serious. Need.
Right now I'm reading Obsolete by Anna James Grossman and another book that I am saving for a post of its own because it is making me smile that much. Some books I love and recommend highly are Memoires of a Geisha, the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanavitch, The Year of Living Biblicly by AJ Jacobs, The Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro, Lottery by Patricia Wood, Freakonomics, the Harry Potter series, and The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer. So yeah, a little bit of everything! Oh, and I *may* have a secret addiction to the Gossip Girl book series too.
Tell me what to read next, your favorites, books you loved and would recommend to your best friend! I'm so looking forward to hearing your suggestions.

The Glass Castle, The Kite Runner, The Road, My Antonia, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Go Ask Alice, The Herbivores Dilemma, and Loose Girl are all awesome books I have read in the last year.
oh and if u can handle it. American Psycho is by far the most twisted yet amazing book I have ever had/willingly after a few pages read and loved.
Did you read The Secret Life of Bees? I know it's been out for a while, but that is one of the best books I've read lately!
You must immediately read (if you haven't already) Pillars of the Earth. The Doctor's Wife is good. I love love love Don't Stop The Carnival. But seriously, Pillars of the Earth. Now.
A Thousand Splendid Suns and the Kite Runner.
Also, The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian - best book EVAR!
Wellllllll....you know what I am currently drooling over. Again and again. Clearly, I need to get laid.
But, this made me pull out a chick lit list Jordy and I had going for a while, when we were stuck in part time college jobs, and we had time to devour girly books.
Jemima J by Jane Green
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
White Oleander by Janet Fitch
In the Time of Butterflies by Julia Alverez
Pride & Prejudice and Zombies
Chelsea Handler's books are a quick fun read
She's Come Undone and White Oleander are awesome ones. Also The Lovely Bones and Stephen King did an amazing spooky ghost story a few years back (okay probably like 10) called Bag of Bones.
-Jen Lancaster is one of my FAVORITE authors/bloggers she has 4 books out and they are ridiculosly funny...jennsylvaniaDOTcom.
-Born of a Blue Day: Daniel Tammet
-Born Round: Frank Bruni (author is the NY Times Food Editor)... Hilarious
-The Glass Castle: Jeannette Walls
-How Starbucks Changed My Life: Michael Gates Gill
-Lone Survivor: Marcus Luttrell
-A Thousand Splendid Suns,The Kite Runner:Khaled Hosseini
-Anything James Patterson
-Veil of Roses: Laura Fitzgerald
-Shes Come Undone: Wally Lamb (read 4x)
-Any 5 of Dan Browns Books
-Push: Sapphire
-Eclipse: James North Patterson
-Chelsea Handler Books...no words to explain how funny these are...'My Horizontal Life' 'Are you There Vodka? Its me Chelsea' The titles alone are funny.
Yeah, so my list could go on forever and i have added a few repeats...just a few of my absolute favs. I have a lot of these books(ok all of them) if you want to borrow/swap/share with me :)
Steph, you're on! I have tons here and would love to swap some.
I'm hooked on the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Everyone I know who has read them has loved them! It's historical romance set in 1700 Scotland with a time travel twist (sounds weird, but the books are sooo good).
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