Here are my faves:
Zakary aka ZDub at Raising Colorado is quite possibly the funniest blogger masquerading as a normal mom I have ever met. Well... as normal a mom as you can be with a manly first name and having to raise your children in the wild. Ok, she doesn't really live in the wild, but dude she has unidentifiable animals AND bears in her backyard. I almost always feel compelled to click over and comment on her posts, they are that freaking hilarious. You will fall in love with this woman.
Joy at Big Time Fancy - Oh my, I don't even know where to begin. She is hilarious, and raunchy, and used to sleep with half the world and never felt the need to apologize for it. Now she is in love, and less raunchy, and deserves all of the happiness in the world. I found BTF years ago and she was actually one of the few strangers who was invited to my blog when it was private. I can not tell you how much she reminds me of myself 10 years ago. Read her entire archives. It will delight and amuse, I promise.
Rachel at One Pretty Thing finds the coolest stuff ever. Seriously, I can't even imagine how much time and energy she devotes to finding the most interesting parties, before & afters, printables, crafty stuff, DIY projects and basically anything awesome on the web. You will want to visit daily just to be inspired and delighted. She posts daily and each roundup is better than the next. The woman has an unyielding supply of awesomeness in her arsenal. She's also incredibly friendly, approachable, and sweet to chat with via email even though she's like the popular girl in school, everyone wants to be her friend!
Megan at Whatever - Meg rocks. She is creative and fun and just when you want to hate her because of her amazing house {the kitchen Meg, the kitchen!} she turns around and posts something so sweet and nice that you have to love her. She also very clearly has a laundry problem {we can't all be perfect}, and with all of those gorgeous kiddos, Waffle the wonder dog and all of that time spent being creative, I would too!
Courtney at Two Straight Lines - Courtney is the ultimate crafty Mama. Everything about her blog is calm & creative & wonderfully imaginative. She allowed her son Elliot to have a fantastic lemonade stand and her little Lucie is near Finn's age. She also lives in an unbelievable house and makes time to do things like sew oh, 14 geese costumes for her son's class without a hitch.
Kim at Today's Creative Blog - yeah, ok everyone in the blog world knows Kim, because her blog is GENIUS. I mean really really, I want to kick my own ass for not thinking of this. She first finds and then blogs about the most creative women of the web. I can not tell you how many people she has 'introduced' to me through TCB.
You will spend approximately 928940 hours perusing Brooklyn Limestone. I have been reading since it used to be called Adventures in Renovating a Brooklyn Limestone and now is A Brooklyn Limestone in Progress because their renovations are largely complete. If you're not in the mood for home renovation photos that make you drool over your laptop, perhaps you'd like to check out all of the insane travel they get to do? She also creates the best, most creative invitations I have ever seen. If you have spent any time here, you know my love of stationery so yeah, this compliment is saying a lot.
Casey at Moosh in Indy is genuine. She is amazingly talented and a little fucked up and a lot wonderful. Some days, you will want to pat her on the back and cringe in the same post. Some days you will just sit in awe of her mad photography skills. She oozes strength as she very candidly shares her struggle with depression and infertility and the worst home buying experience I have ever heard of. Oh, and this is not the blog of a whiner, she is raw, she is honest, and she overcomes.
And my Bloggy BFF Ashley over at Sugar Britches, of course. She had me at hello. Well not really hello, but she let me call her Ash and that's about the same as hello. Right?
Well, there you have my very tippy top favorites and there are easily about 20 more I could add. I would love to hear about YOUR favorites too.
And if I haven't told you lately, thanks for reading!

Thank you so much for that, that felt good to read after the past year. Phew.
a thousand sloppy kisses to you.
You seriously rock. And thanks for giving me a few new rad blogs to read!
Thanks so much for including me in such amazing company!
ZDub sent me here. What she likes, I like and what she really likes is people liking her. But also you for you.
Aww, aww, aww! This is way sweet! Thanks so much for the shout-out. I kinda want to print this out and put it on my fridge. =) You have TOTALLY made my Monday.
AW! Awwwwwwwww! Thanks lady!
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