
02 June 2012

Mud Hens Game.

New ‘Do.  {It is only 10 months overdue.}

Exercise.  Exercise.  Exercise.

Brother’s Birthday.

Book Club {aka Girls Night where we don’t even pretend to be intellectual.}

Playdate with Friends.

Birdhouse Auction.

Cedar Point!

Father’s Day.

Party Planning.

Safe T City for Finn + His Bestie.

Mom’s Birthday.

Tate’s Birthday. {HOW is she ONE??}

Summer Concert + Lunch Date with Friends.


What do you have in store for June?


Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

love this list. I started writing my "summer bucket list" yesterday. As far as June goes... working out, eating better, and getting outdoors more now that my allergies are under control are the plans. Oh yeah and lots of social and fun time with friends, front porches and beer :)

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I have weddings to plan, weddings to attend, and a lot of pool lounging. So excited for this month!

Yostee said...

I plan on starting the last year of my 20's, meeting a pretty cool chick who has a fun blog, heading to Cedar Point, attending my twin step-sister's graduation party (how did they get so old?!?!) and cleaning/packing for the big move!!

belles♥mom said...

I have book club (yay), a possible visit from great friends (double yay)and a bunch of other crap (BOO!) {2 exams, 2 check-offs, 2 group projects, a 3-5 page paper, 3 NCLEX online reviews and 100 NCLEX review questions to write. Ugh}. June = Not nearly enough fun for all the work I need to do!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable she will be ONE!! Time flies.
We have lots of Kings Island trips planned, school ending and momma being home for summer break, pool days, Newport Aquarium and lots of playing outside.

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