I have five goals for 2012. Resolutions can make you feel like a failure by February, goals can keep you striving all year long.
- Go to bed earlier than midnight… or 1 am… or 2 am during the week. I really need to work on this. It is so easy to get sucked into doing things at night when the kids and the Davester are fast asleep. Just catching up on my blog reading, just one more load of laundry, just one last chapter, just putting these dishes away… all not good excuses for missing sleep that my body desperately needs.
- Re-vamp our family budget so we can start saving more. We’ve been slackers in this area the last half of 2011 and it’s amazing how quickly that money can disappear when it’s not being saved. A new house is on the agenda in the next two years so we’re going to amp up our savings.
- Say YES more. I say ‘no’ a whole lot. To Finn, to my friends, to my family, to opportunity. I want to say yes a lot more in 2012.
- Aim higher. A few surprises happened in 2011 that showed me just exactly what I can achieve if I put my mind to it. It’s time to set the bar higher, the goals loftier, and enjoy the challenge of making things happen that I never thought possible.
- Have more sex. Yep. I said it. Having an infant can suck the {sex} life out of your marriage if you let it. You’re tired. You’re breastfeeding. You’re busy. You don’t feel sexy. All valid points, yes, but good sex trumps all of them. Every time.
What are your goals for 2012?

Hey dude! I blogged mine. Aren't you amazed? You know Dave is going to love #5.
Omigah. It worked. I haven't been able to comment on your blog in 6 months. Sweeeeet.
All good goals! Aim high - you can do it! As tough as #1 is, once you are getting more sleep you realize how much your body really does need it and how good it makes you feel. (#5 comes easier if you are in bed earlier, too! lol)
My goal this year is to become a MILF. By no means am I talking Stiffler's mom here b/c I am a realist, and that shit is never gonna happen!! HOWEVER, By M.I.L.F. I mean a mom intent on looking fabulous. I have really let myself go since I had kids. So my goal this year is to leave the house in less sneakers and sweatpants and actually get dressed - make myself a little more presentable. It's time for me to take my life back a little bit and focus on me.
Yep. Good sex helps a lot.
I heart your last goal because Kev and I just made the same one this weekend! It is soooo important!
I love all of these goals - and even those of us w/out kids can totally agree with the last one. Sometimes life becomes very routine and I like that you listed this as an important goal. I'm a new reader and found you via Lora's lovely blog over at Fever! I can't wait to read more! Happy New Year!
Love these goals! Also love calling them goals versus resolutions. I hate resolutions. You could not be more right on reasons to not have sex when there's an infant involved! My hubs would probably love that to be a goal of mine... Budgeting is also a big thing in our house in 2012 since I'm a SAHM now. Here's to 2012 and kicking our goals asses!
Yay for more hot sex!! I think every mother of an infant should make that a goal!
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