Six months last week.
She’s crawling, it sure isn’t pretty and it has us scrambling to baby proof. She’s 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight, exactly like her brother. Her favorite food is mango. She hates peas. She eats her toes at every opportunity.
And she’s clearly picking Dave over me.

OMG! How adorable :) Looks like she's going to keep you on your toes for years to come!!
Hooray! Tate and Lena can have conversations now!...Of course, "Da da", "Ma ma" and "Bye bye" will make for a quick/boring conversation...But hey - who are we to judge?
P.S. The way Tate says "Da da" is hysterical - I love it.
I'm sure her affections will waver between you two in the future :)
So cute!
I think I have that video, only my son is the baby choosing his "da-da" over me. :) Little stinkers.
That is sooo cute!! they crawl at 6 months??? we're expecting a baby girl, I can't wait!!
OMG! Adorable little face! such a cutie!
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