Disney. Madness. Saturday we drove up to Detroit to see Toy Story 3 on Ice at the Palace. It was a surprise for Myles and Finn. They watched Toy Story 3 on the way up there, just to get in the mood for what was to come.
The boys each chose to get Lenny Binoculars as their special toy. I was steering them both toward the light up Buzz Lightyear that spins around and looks insane, but they were having none of that… so two Lennys came home with us. Along with two Buzz Lightyear steins full of lemonade and $7 worth of Disney popcorn which is just like regular popcorn only Disney flavored with magic.
MAGIC, I say!
Dave and Lenny the Binoculars.
Myles and Lenny.
Finn did not move a single muscle and I am pretty sure he didn’t blink the entire first act.
Buzz Lightyear’s bad ass entrance. He flew in from the ceiling with fireworks shooting out of his feet. Every child in the place was in awe, as were some of the adults.
Dave’s favorite. Fifteen dancing, life-sized Barbie dolls in 1980s spandex aerobics Barbie outfits. Hawt.
Booo Hiss. Lots O Huggin’ Bear along with Buzz, Barbie & Ken.
What I didn’t get a photo of? Lots of other Disney madness OR the lady next to me who was in her mid forties and who SANG along to almost every song. She also squealed like a child every time Mickey Mouse made an appearance and screamed, “We LOVE Disney!!!!” and then quietly said right after, “Well, I do.”
The boys absolutely positively loved it. Dave and I were even amused with the show. And you know the lady next to me enjoyed it.
A very special thank you to our friends Lisa & Arik for the tickets. Your proper thank you is forthcoming.
How was your weekend? Filled with magic Disney popcorn?

I used to love to take my kids to those Disney Ice Shows!! I get all nostalgic every time I see the ads on TV. So jealous, now I have to sit through Justin Beiber movies :)
Wow that was pretty impressive! Um my weekend was filled with the Croup. It was awesome. Ok it wasn't horrendous but it sure wasn't filled with Disney and popcorn.
the best thing about disney? no room for cynicism. you were in my neck of the woods....sort of. it's been years since the ice show days. who doesn't love woody and buzz? i swear that wasn't me next to you all. :)
OH, how fun! My boys would have had a blast.
Wow! What fun :) I can't wait to do things like that when my boys get a little older.
Aw, that sounds like SO much fun! Can't wait 'til I have kids and have an excuse to go to stuff like that. However, it doesn't prevent me from going to Disney World every time I can. :)
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