I have a group of online friends, well they are real life friends too, but we chat online a lot. We talk about day to day stuff, our husbands, our kids, our jobs, and life in general. We also ask each other totally random weird shit, everything from what color to paint the living room to what you would do if you won the lotto tomorrow or how much life insurance we should have.
Mara took it upon herself to post an over the top, hilarious poll to entertain us. Which brings me to the question that she proposed to us that I thought was totally interesting and wanted to share with all of you...
If some (not ugly or icky (ok well the proposal in the first place is icky, but you know what I mean)) guy offered you 1 million dollars to sleep with him, would you do it? Would your husband or significant other encourage it or divorce you?
and then the spin off…
If a (pretty hot) woman offered the same thing to your spouse, would he do it? How would you feel about it?
Obviously, there are no right or wrong answers and it is purely hypothetical.
Dave and I had completely different reactions and answers to these, but we did laugh our asses off about it.
So, tell me, what would you do?

So first of all, I barely like having sex with my husband. Can't imagine doing it with some stranger-icky or hot. Not even for one meeellion dollars.
My husband would really like to sleep with some hot chick. He would probably do it for free. However, I know he loves me to much to hurt me like that so he would have to say no also.
sometimes, it's just nice to be asked. ;)
Ummm, 1 million isn't quite enough to whore myself out. I mean, I need something substantial. Something that's going to take me away from the land of carpeted walls and artificial lights forever. You know, the kind of money where I can squash my self hatred and humiliation by taking my own private plane to Tuscany because I'm in the mood for pasta and wine.
Now if it were for a million and it was like Rosie O'Donnell or Rosanne Arnold, I'd be pushing Lee hardcore to do the dirty work. I'd do my best to help him through the flashbacks and night terrors.
Where else can you make that kind of hourly (year right) wage? It might not be enough to retire in my 30s, but it would certainly make them more interesting. After all, I don't get upset when my husband mows the neighbors lawns or helps her change those long tube lights in her kitchen - and he does that for free. If money is changing hands, it makes it even less intimate. $1,000,000 (did you count those zeros, ladies?)... is A LOT of money. So, yeah, sign me up and while you're at it, sign him up, too.
Now that we've told you, you have to answer the question, too! :)
Anon, I'm totally going to answer and give you Dave's answer too!
Shake my head and walk away. I love being married to my hot Boyfriend and plan on keeping it that way. Good question though.
I say No Way, but My Husband wants to know if the million would be tax free...
I said heck yes to the million and Dave said no way.
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