Finn: Were you preg-a-net with me a long time when I was a baby?
Me: Yep, nine months.
Finn: A long LONG time?
Me: Almost a year.
Finn: Ok, and when are you going to not be preg-a-net?
Me: July
Finn: July Forf-th?
Me: Yep.
Finn: Um, ok.
Finn: You smell like mint. Did you eat a mint?
Me: I just put my lip stuff on. {Burt’s Bees}
Finn: Can you tell me the difference… is it minty fresh or just mint?
Finn: Mom, do you want a piece of Pez candy? Say yes or no.
Me: No.
Finn: You want it?
Me: No, I don’t.
Finn: Well here it is. You can save it for the morning if you want. I don’t like these ones.
Finn: It is really nice outside. We could stay out here for a couple days. You know, have a little guy time.
Dave: Buddy, you crack me up.
Finn: {Just out of the bath.} Mom, smell my armpits.
Me: Ooooh they smell like strawberries!
Finn: Ok, now smell my butt.
Me: I’m not going to smell your butt.
Finn: Why? It smells like strawberries too! It smells good.
*My mom & I may have been lost-ish in downtown Ann Arbor*
Me: Mom, want to ask that guy {standing on the street who looked admittedly a little sketchy} directions?
Finn: That’s a BAD man.
Me: Finn, why would you say that? You don’t know that!
Finn: He writes on walls!
*My mom & I are laughing at this point, but obviously not paying enough attention to Finn so he clarified.*
Finn: He writes on CITY walls!
{BTW, I have zero clue why he thought this guy was a tagger and/or how he even knew that people do this.}
Me: How much was that check you wrote to John?
Dave: Two
Finn: Hundred Million Dollars!

Oh, I love Finnisms! What a funny and original little guy he is!
Finnisms always make me laugh! He's so cute!
Very, very awesome.
I love him more than I should.
Aw I love him!
So adorable. He and Boo Boo would get along GREAT. ;)
i love posts like these! lol
The Peds Comment made me cry!
I am very hormonal...
Haaaaaaa! I love these kinds of posts. Kids just don't care- they speak what's on their minds and I love it!
Hahaha! I love this! Finn sounds like a very awesome little man (with a very awesome name as well. Seriousy, I love it).
I've always looked forward to when Hannah can have conversations with me. Your post has me so excited!
Me and my friends just had a good laugh over the Pez dialog! haha
" it minty fresh or just mint?" That had me cracking up!
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