Dave reads to Finnegan every night before bed. He has been doing this since Finn was born, take a look back at little munchkin Finn when I first started blogging. They curl up on the couch or in our bed and read story after story. Oh sure, we read during the day, but it’s not the same as his special reading time at night with Daddy.
I think it’s the most endearing, mushy, lovey thing ever.

Awww! I love it!
you think that because, it is:)
Those pictures are so sweet!!
Troy and Finn would totally be best friends.
There is something about a little boy with his dad that gets me feeling mushy. It's just too much.
I don't think there's anything beter than reading with the punks. Ever.
Love this so much! We read before bed, but mostly I am chasing Dylan around, so Ryan and Abbey do the reading. They're generally snuggled on pillows like your guys, and my heart explodes!
These are great photos! I have pictures similar to this. My hubs has been reading to our kids since they were very little too and I just love it. Wonderful memories!! :-)
p.s. thanks for you comment on my blog! :D
Aw i love your sons name, and i heart books! :) Thanks for commenting on my blog :)
Hi Michelle, thanks for visiting my blog. How did you find it?
What a sweet post! How did you come up with the name Finnegan? Are you Irish? I've never heard the name outside of Ireland (I lived there a year and travel there quite a bit).
As a response to your comment, the Blogher ads are ok if the rest of the blog is interesting. But I'm completely allergic to Google Adsense!
Love. Daddy time always tugged at my heart when my guy was little! (It still tugs at my heart, but it's just spent differently with teenagers!)
thanks for posting the recipe to the vanilla butter cake on your blog's facebook page. you ROCK.
and, hi!
Hi Michelle,
I absolutely love your blog!!! You have great ideas and really showcase them well! I am in the middle of planning our son's first birthday and have decided to go with the Dr. Seuss them. I saw your party and fell in love with some of your ideas;) I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing how you created the food signs?
Danielle the food signs were created in MS Word. I used the Grinched font & labels that already had the red border on them. I just added some Seuss clip art found on the web that related to the book.
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much! I will let you know how they turn out:)
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